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Znany również jako:
Nagroda: 6000 exp, Piece of Marble Rock
Lokacja: Edron
Wymagany poziom: -
Potwory, które można napotkać po drodze:
Legenda: Naszym zadaniem jest ponowna pomoc magowi Spectulusowi w przypominaniu przeszłości jego uczniowi, zagubionemu w czasie.



Udajemy się do maga Spectulusa, na szczycie głównej wieży akademii Edron.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Spectulus: Ah hello again gracz! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to.
  • Gracz: mission
  • Spectulus: After the debacle with the crystal, I started focussing on other things. There are also some tasks that still need to be done. If you can spare the time to continue helping me, it shall not be to your disadvantage. So are you in for another mission?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Spectulus: Very well, hmmm, but this one might get a bit - unpleasant. What? No no, not for you. Probably only for the person I want you to help me with. You know, I once had an intern. His name was Jack. ...
  • Spectulus: He was as eager as you to help me - quite a nice person, really. At the time he was still around I was working on a device to transport its user to any specified point in time - be it back or to the future if you know what I mean. ...
  • Spectulus: He was helping me quite a lot, no matter which task I applied to him. And one day we finally did it, our tempus machina was up and running. He was certainly all man of action when he actually stepped into the machine for our first run. ...
  • Spectulus: The device was designed for one person with enough room for some provisions and one or two books for reading if one would land in some drab solitude. You never know, you know? So we fired it up and yes, it actually worked! ...
  • Spectulus: He completely disappeared right before my eyes! Eureka! Well ahem, there was but one tiny little problem. ...
  • Spectulus: As all magical calibration was done from my lab I never thought about adding some sort of control to its interior. In other words Jack has travelled in time, without any means to come back. ...
  • Spectulus: Sleepless days of intensive research, however, brought me to the conclusion that he was not actually travelling to the future, but to another dimension, parallel to ours. There is still a chance to rescue him - and you can help me. What do you say?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Spectulus: You know, in some way you remind me of Jack. Well, I am glad you are up to this task - we just have to get him back. I owe that to him and I owe it to science. Alright, now let me explain that whole dimensional problem. ...
  • Spectulus: The bad news is, using the device at that state was not a good idea. We effectively caused a magical distortion in the fabric of time, space and thus folded infinity - just a little. ...
  • Spectulus: The good news is that Jack is still on our world, and not even inconveniently far away. ...
  • Spectulus: Unfortunately in the current state of time, he was never interested in attending Edron Academy, he never looked for a job to finance his studies and of course has never been one of my interns. ...
  • Spectulus: Since he was in the magic sphere during the launch, the time fold only affected his own dimensional anchoring. ...
  • Spectulus: The number of parallel dimensions is endless and the fold made him slip into one completely different course of time where he never was the person I once knew. ...
  • Spectulus: Now you know it all. Still want to help?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Spectulus: Thank you. So here we are - now how to get Jack back to our dimension? Well, the answer to that is easy. It is simply not possible. All my tests concerning the reversal of the process failed. ...
  • Spectulus: But Jack is not yet lost to us - if we can get him back to his former self! You have to tell him about his former life, convince him, change his environment. But at first you will need to talk to him and find out who exactly we are dealing with now. ...
  • Spectulus: I will mark his current location on your map, just ask him about me and see what happens - good luck.

Mag ten opowiada nam długą historię, o swoim byłym pomocniku - Jacku. Podczas pewnego eksperymentu, przeniósł się on w czasie. Musimy go odnaleźć i przypomnieć mu kim jest. Spectulus zaznacza na naszej mapie miejsce, gdzie mieści się dom Jacka. Są to okolice Stonehome, na północ od Edron. Rozmawiamy z pomocnikiem, o jego dawnym mistrzu:  

  • Gracz: hi
  • Jack: Yes? What can I do for you? I hope this won't take long, though.
  • Gracz: Spectulus
  • Jack: Gesundheit! Are you alright? Did you... want to tell me something by that?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jack: Oh hm, I've got a handkerchief here somewhere - ah, oh no it's already used, I'm sorry. So, you say that's a real person? Spectulus? I mean - what kind of weirdo thinks of a name like that anyway. ...
  • Jack: And he does what? Hm. Here in Edron? I see. And I was - what? No way. Where? What! Why? And you say you are telling the truth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jack: I see. Well for starters, I think you're crazy. If I would have 'travelled' in some kind of - device? - that thing should be around here somewhere, or not? ...
  • Jack: What? 'Dimensional fold?' Well, thanks for the information and please close the door behind you when you leave my house. Now.

  Wyrzuca on nas z domu, ponieważ okazuje się, że nic nie pamięta. Wracamy do zleceniodawcy:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Spectulus: Ah hello again gracz! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to.
  • Gracz: mission
  • Spectulus: So you found him? Have you talked to Jack yet?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Spectulus: Yes? And he didn't remember anything? Not even me? That's not good. Then we will have to do everything ourselves. Are you ready to continue?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Spectulus: A trigger is needed to make him recall what happened. First thing should be to change his environment to be more... familiar. As soon as he will have the things he used to have around him, his memories will come back. ...
  • Spectulus: I know that he used to have a very comfy red cushioned chair and an old globe which sat near the middle of the room. He also used a smaller telescope and he had that extremely large amphora in a corner. And... there was one other thing. ...
  • Spectulus: A rocking horse. He just loved it! Find these items, buy them if you need to and place them where Jack lives. Ask him about the furniture and don't forget to tell me about his reaction!

  Tym razem naszym zadaniem jest kupienie paczek z meblami, które rozpakujemy w domu Jacka. Są to przedmioty, które kiedyś lubił, czyli:

Po otwarciu każdej z paczek pojawi się napis informujący o tym:

  • The telescope just looks like it was the one thing missing from this room.
  • What a cute horse - and just the right thing to place into this cute room.
  • The red cushioned chair looks quite comfy in that corner.
  • There seems to be no better place for this amphora than right here.
  • A globe like this should be in every household.

Kiedy ustawimy te przedmioty w jego pokoju,

Przedmioty w dmu jacka.jpg

rozmawiamy z nim:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Jack: Yes? What can I do for you? I hope this won't take long, though.
  • Gracz: furniture
  • Jack: What have you done? What are all these pieces of furniture doing here? Those are ugly at best and - hey! Stop! Leave the wallpaper alone! Alright, alright! Just tell me, why are you doing this? Who's behind all this?
  • Gracz: Spectulus
  • Jack: So it's that name again. You are really determined, aren't you. ...
  • Jack: So if he thinks I'm someone he knew who is now 'lost' and needs to come back or whatever - tell him he is WRONG. I always lived here with my mother and sister, I'm happy here and I certainly don't want to go to that academy of yours.

Po kolejnej nie udanej próbie, składamy raport magowi.   

  • Gracz: hi
  • Spectulus: Ah hello again gracz! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to.
  • Gracz: mission
  • Spectulus: You're back from Jack! Mh, by the looks of your face I doubt our little redecoration project yielded any success. But I had an even better idea while you were gone - ready to give it another try?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Spectulus: Alright listen. As long as his social environment accepts him as the person he is now, he will never come free from the shackles that bind him to this alternate self. ...
  • Spectulus: Oh, he has a sister you say? And his mother is living with them? ...
  • Spectulus: Hm... that's strange, I don't even recall his family. Never knew he had a mother and a sister. Tell them the truth about him - maybe they will understand and even help him getting this over with. ...
  • Spectulus: But be careful, the dimensional shift could mean that they will not even know what you're talking about since they are more closely linked to him than anyone else.

  Teraz, musimy przekonać siostrę i matkę Jacka, o tym że ma on jednak coś wspólnego z Akademią Magii. Najpierw udajemy się na piętro, do matki.  

  • Gracz: hi
  • Mother of Jack: I demand an explanation of you entering our house without any invitation.
  • Gracz: Jack
  • Mother of Jack: What about him? He's downstairs as he always has been. He never went away from home any further than into the forest nearby. He rarely ever took a walk to Edron, did he?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Mother of Jack: What...? But he wasn't up to something, was he?
  • Gracz: no
  • Mother of Jack: Thought so. Of course he wouldn't do anything wrong. And he went where? Edron. Hm. I can see nothing wrong with that. But... he wasn't there often, was he?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Mother of Jack: Oh my... he did what? Why was he there? Edron Academy? ...
  • Mother of Jack: I see... this cannot be. Spectrofuss? Who? Jack! When? How? But why did he do that? Jack!! JACK!! When I find him he owes me an EXPLANATION. Thanks for telling me what he is actually doing in his FREE TIME. ...
  • Mother of Jack: JAAAAACK!

Teraz, kolej na jego siostrę, która znajduje się na drugim piętrze domu.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Sister of Jack: Mh hello there. What can I do for you?
  • Gracz: Jack
  • Sister of Jack: Why are you asking, he didn't get himself into something again did he?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Sister of Jack: I knew it! He likes taking extended walks outside, leaving all the cleaning to me - especially when he is working on this sculpture, this... 'thing' he tries to create. ...
  • Sister of Jack: What did he do? Since you look like a guy from the city, I bet he went to Edron in secrecy or something like that, didn't he? And you are here because of that?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Sister of Jack: What?! And what did he do there? Who did he visit there?
  • Gracz: Spectulus
  • Sister of Jack: Spelltolust?! That sounds awfully nasty! What was he doing there - are you telling me he lived an alternate life and he didn't even tell mother?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Sister of Jack: Yesss! So this time he will get it for a change! And he lived there...? He helped whom? Ha! He won't get away this time! What did he do there? I see... interesting! ...
  • Sister of Jack: Wait till mother hears that! Oh he will be in for a surprise, I can tell you that. Ma!! Maaaaa!!

Teraz, gdy przekonaliśmy rodzinę Jacka, udajemy się do akademii, do Spectulusa.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Spectulus: Ah hello again gracz! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to.
  • Gracz: mission
  • Spectulus: So, did you talk to his family? Were you able to convince them?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Spectulus: Success!! Now it will be far easier to convince him of his true self! Excellent work. Now the only thing left to do is to separate him from whatever still binds him to that place. Did he develop any habits perhaps? ...
  • Spectulus: A hobby or something! Yes, ask him about his hobbies! Convince him somehow that anything he is doing there does not match his true self - he didn't have any hobbies except a healthy interest in science - you MUST convince him, no matter what! ...
  • Spectulus: Or everything we achieved would be in vain. We can still save Jack! Now go and do what you must do.

Teraz czas na ostateczną próbę. Udajemy się do zagubionego ucznia i pytamy go o jego hobby.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Jack: Yes? What can I do for you? I hope this won't take long, though.
  • Gracz: hobby
  • Jack: Ah, also a keen lover of arts I assume? You might have already caught a glimpse of that humble masterpiece over there in the corner - I sculpt sulky sculptures! ...
  • Jack: Sculpting sculptures was my passion since childhood... ...and it was there at my first sandcastle when... ...and it formed... ...and it developed into... ...years of enduring sculpting... ...carved of something like... ...sulky... ...
  • Jack: And that's what I like to do to this very day - hey, hey will you wake up? Were you even listening to me?
  • Gracz: bye
  • Jack: Yes yes. Goodbye Dream Beast.

Następnie kilofem lub innym narzędziem niszczymy jego posąg jaszczura. Bierzemy kawał marmuru, który odpadł ze zniszczonego posągu i piszemy do Jacka:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Jack: What did you do to my SCULPTURE? You simply DESTROYED it? Why? You... you ruined everything... my house, my hobby, my life. My family even refuses to talk to me anymore. ...
  • Jack: Alright, alright you win. I am done for. You... you must be right, yes. Yes, I was working as an intern... in the academy in Edron... yes... Just... tell this Spectulus guy I want to see him. I have nothing left. I am ready.

Informujemy zleceniodawcę, o tym, że Jack zgodził się powrócić do nauki.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Spectulus: Ah hello again gracz! I still have one or two other missions for you. There are also some tasks someone needs to attend to.
  • Gracz: mission
  • Spectulus: Oh you are back already. Hm... I doubt it worked, did it? It DID? Oh well... good job. Really! Now... the thing is - the actual Jack wrote. No, no wait. Calm down first. ...
  • Spectulus: You remember me explaining the fold in time, causing a tiny disturbance in infinity? Well, as I already told you, Jack was indeed not transported to the future... but to the past. ...
  • Spectulus: I received some kind of letter this morning that has been stored for me by the Academy for about 70 years now. ...
  • Spectulus: It said it should be opened at a specific day 20 years ago to prevent this whole incident but I wasn't even at the Academy by that time. Someone just found the letter earlier today and brought it to my attention. ...
  • Spectulus: So our Jack here was in fact... a completely different person. Now, now... don't get upset, there was no chance for me to warn you earlier! ...
  • Spectulus: And it wasn't all that bad, was it? Heh... I mean... everyone needs a change in life now and then! And he can still come here if he likes to! ...
  • Spectulus: Or wait - erm... better not tell him where exactly I live, I have some kind of presentiment concerning that whole affair... yes, we should just leave everything as it is now, indeed we should. ...
  • Spectulus: Anyway you did a great job and I thank you for... putting your hands into my fire gracz... once again.

Otrzymujemy 6000 punktów doświadczenia. Po głębszym namyśle, Spectulus doszedł do wniosku, że Jack cofając się w czasie, zapomniał także wszystkie nauki. W związku z tym, nie przyda on się jako pomocnik w laboratorium. Musimy wrócić do Jacka i musimy wybrać:

Powiedzieć, że mówiliśmy prawdę Powiedzieć, że cały czas kłamaliśmy
  • Gracz: hi
  • Jack: So, you've returned to Spectulus? What did he say, is anything wrong? You have this strange expression on your face - is there anything wrong? You DID tell me the truth here, didn't you?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jack: So that's it? Really?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jack: Yeah, yeah... so what are you still doing here? I guess I... will have to seek out this Spectulus now, see what he has to say. There is nothing left for me in this place.

Zamierza on opuścić dom i udać się do akademii. Niestety nie przyda się on tam, ale cały czas ma on nasze zaufanie.

Jeśli wybraliśmy tą drogę, otrzymamy osiągnięcie: "You Don't Know Jack"


  • Gracz: hi
  • Jack: So, you've returned to Spectulus? What did he say, is anything wrong? You have this strange expression on your face - is there anything wrong? You DID tell me the truth here, didn't you?
  • Gracz: no
  • Jack: WHAT?? No way, I ask you again - you DID tell me the TRUTH here... right?
  • Gracz: no
  • Jack: So... so this wasn't EVEN REAL? You brought all this ugly furniture here, you destroyed my sculpture... and on top of that you actually CONVINCED mother and my sister!? How can I possibly explain all that? ...
  • Jack: I... I... Well, at least you told me the truth. I don't know if I can accept this as an excuse but it's a start. Now let me return to my work, I need to fix this statue and then the rest of this... mess.

Jack wścieka się, że go "okłamywaliśmy", wyrzuca nas z domu i ma zamiar posprzątać pokój, naprawić posąg i wrócić do starego życia.

Jeśli wybraliśmy tą drogę, otrzymamy osiągnięcie: "Truth Be Told"