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Font Awesome

Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.

One Font, 519 Icons

In a single collection, Font Awesome is a pictographic language of web-related actions.

No JavaScript Required

Fewer compatibility concerns because Font Awesome doesn't require JavaScript.

Infinite Scalability

Scalable vector graphics means every icon looks awesome at any size.

Free, as in Speech

Font Awesome is completely free for commercial use.

CSS Control

Easily style icon color, size, shadow, and anything that's possible with CSS.

Perfect on Retina Displays

Font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean they're gorgeous on high-resolution displays.

Plays Well with Others

Originally designed for Bootstrap, Font Awesome works great with all frameworks.

Desktop Friendly

To use on the desktop or for a complete set of vectors, check out the cheatsheet below.

Screen Reader Compatible

Font Awesome won't trip up screen readers, unlike other icon fonts.

Every Font Awesome 4.3.0 Icon, CSS Class, & Unicode.






<p><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home</p>
<h4><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home</h4>
<h3><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home</h3>
<h2><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home</h2>
<h2 class="text-danger"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home</h2>







fa-ambulance [&#xf0f9;]

fa-anchor [&#xf13d;]

fa-android [&#xf17b;]

fa-angellist [&#xf209;]

fa-angle-double-down [&#xf103;]

fa-angle-double-left [&#xf100;]

fa-angle-double-right [&#xf101;]

fa-angle-double-up [&#xf102;]

fa-angle-down [&#xf107;]


fa-angle-right [&#xf105;]

fa-angle-up [&#xf106;]

fa-apple [&#xf179;]

fa-archive [&#xf187;]

fa-area-chart [&#xf1fe;]

fa-arrow-circle-down [&#xf0ab;]

fa-arrow-circle-left [&#xf0a8;]

fa-arrow-circle-o-down [&#xf01a;]

fa-arrow-circle-o-left [&#xf190;]

fa-arrow-circle-o-right [&#xf18e;]

fa-arrow-circle-o-up [&#xf01b;]

fa-arrow-circle-right [&#xf0a9;]

fa-arrow-circle-up [&#xf0aa;]

fa-arrow-down [&#xf063;]

fa-arrow-left [&#xf060;]

fa-arrow-right [&#xf061;]

fa-arrow-up [&#xf062;]

fa-arrows [&#xf047;]

fa-arrows-alt [&#xf0b2;]

fa-arrows-h [&#xf07e;]

fa-arrows-v [&#xf07d;]

fa-asterisk [&#xf069;]

fa-at [&#xf1fa;]

fa-automobile [&#xf1b9;]

fa-backward [&#xf04a;]

fa-ban [&#xf05e;]

fa-bank [&#xf19c;]

fa-bar-chart [&#xf080;]

fa-bar-chart-o [&#xf080;]

fa-barcode [&#xf02a;]

fa-bars [&#xf0c9;]

fa-bed [&#xf236;]

fa-beer [&#xf0fc;]

fa-behance [&#xf1b4;]

fa-behance-square [&#xf1b5;]

fa-bell [&#xf0f3;]

fa-bell-o [&#xf0a2;]

fa-bell-slash [&#xf1f6;]

fa-bell-slash-o [&#xf1f7;]

fa-bicycle [&#xf206;]

fa-binoculars [&#xf1e5;]

fa-birthday-cake [&#xf1fd;]

fa-bitbucket [&#xf171;]

fa-bitbucket-square [&#xf172;]

fa-bitcoin [&#xf15a;]

fa-bold [&#xf032;]

fa-bolt [&#xf0e7;]

fa-bomb [&#xf1e2;]

fa-book [&#xf02d;]

fa-bookmark [&#xf02e;]

fa-bookmark-o [&#xf097;]

fa-briefcase [&#xf0b1;]

fa-btc [&#xf15a;]

fa-bug [&#xf188;]

fa-building [&#xf1ad;]

fa-building-o [&#xf0f7;]

fa-bullhorn [&#xf0a1;]

fa-bullseye [&#xf140;]

fa-bus [&#xf207;]

fa-buysellads [&#xf20d;]

fa-cab [&#xf1ba;]

fa-calculator [&#xf1ec;]

fa-calendar [&#xf073;]

fa-calendar-o [&#xf133;]

fa-camera [&#xf030;]

fa-camera-retro [&#xf083;]

fa-car [&#xf1b9;]

fa-caret-down [&#xf0d7;]

fa-caret-left [&#xf0d9;]

fa-caret-right [&#xf0da;]

fa-caret-square-o-down [&#xf150;]

fa-caret-square-o-left [&#xf191;]

fa-caret-square-o-right [&#xf152;]

fa-caret-square-o-up [&#xf151;]

fa-caret-up [&#xf0d8;]

fa-cart-arrow-down [&#xf218;]

fa-cart-plus [&#xf217;]

fa-cc [&#xf20a;]

fa-cc-amex [&#xf1f3;]

fa-cc-discover [&#xf1f2;]

fa-cc-mastercard [&#xf1f1;]

fa-cc-paypal [&#xf1f4;]

fa-cc-stripe [&#xf1f5;]

fa-cc-visa [&#xf1f0;]

fa-certificate [&#xf0a3;]

fa-chain [&#xf0c1;]

fa-chain-broken [&#xf127;]

fa-check [&#xf00c;]

fa-check-circle [&#xf058;]

fa-check-circle-o [&#xf05d;]

fa-check-square [&#xf14a;]

fa-check-square-o [&#xf046;]

fa-chevron-circle-down [&#xf13a;]

fa-chevron-circle-left [&#xf137;]

fa-chevron-circle-right [&#xf138;]

fa-chevron-circle-up [&#xf139;]

fa-chevron-down [&#xf078;]

fa-chevron-left [&#xf053;]

fa-chevron-right [&#xf054;]

fa-chevron-up [&#xf077;]

fa-child [&#xf1ae;]

fa-circle [&#xf111;]

fa-circle-o [&#xf10c;]

fa-circle-o-notch [&#xf1ce;]

fa-circle-thin [&#xf1db;]

fa-clipboard [&#xf0ea;]

fa-clock-o [&#xf017;]

fa-close [&#xf00d;]

fa-cloud [&#xf0c2;]

fa-cloud-download [&#xf0ed;]

fa-cloud-upload [&#xf0ee;]

fa-cny [&#xf157;]

fa-code [&#xf121;]

fa-code-fork [&#xf126;]

fa-codepen [&#xf1cb;]

fa-coffee [&#xf0f4;]

fa-cog [&#xf013;]

fa-cogs [&#xf085;]

fa-columns [&#xf0db;]

fa-comment [&#xf075;]

fa-comment-o [&#xf0e5;]

fa-comments [&#xf086;]

fa-comments-o [&#xf0e6;]

fa-compass [&#xf14e;]

fa-compress [&#xf066;]

fa-connectdevelop [&#xf20e;]

fa-copy [&#xf0c5;]

fa-copyright [&#xf1f9;]

fa-credit-card [&#xf09d;]

fa-crop [&#xf125;]

fa-crosshairs [&#xf05b;]

fa-css3 [&#xf13c;]

fa-cube [&#xf1b2;]

fa-cubes [&#xf1b3;]

fa-cut [&#xf0c4;]

fa-cutlery [&#xf0f5;]

fa-dashboard [&#xf0e4;]

fa-dashcube [&#xf210;]

fa-database [&#xf1c0;]

fa-dedent [&#xf03b;]

fa-delicious [&#xf1a5;]

fa-desktop [&#xf108;]

fa-deviantart [&#xf1bd;]

fa-diamond [&#xf219;]

fa-digg [&#xf1a6;]

fa-dollar [&#xf155;]

fa-dot-circle-o [&#xf192;]

fa-download [&#xf019;]

fa-dribbble [&#xf17d;]

fa-dropbox [&#xf16b;]

fa-drupal [&#xf1a9;]

fa-edit [&#xf044;]

fa-eject [&#xf052;]

fa-ellipsis-h [&#xf141;]

fa-ellipsis-v [&#xf142;]

fa-empire [&#xf1d1;]

fa-envelope [&#xf0e0;]

fa-envelope-o [&#xf003;]

fa-envelope-square [&#xf199;]

fa-eraser [&#xf12d;]

fa-eur [&#xf153;]

fa-euro [&#xf153;]

fa-exchange [&#xf0ec;]

fa-exclamation [&#xf12a;]

fa-exclamation-circle [&#xf06a;]

fa-exclamation-triangle [&#xf071;]

fa-expand [&#xf065;]

fa-external-link [&#xf08e;]

fa-external-link-square [&#xf14c;]

fa-eye [&#xf06e;]

fa-eye-slash [&#xf070;]

fa-eyedropper [&#xf1fb;]

fa-facebook [&#xf09a;]

fa-facebook-f [&#xf09a;]

fa-facebook-official [&#xf230;]

fa-facebook-square [&#xf082;]

fa-fast-backward [&#xf049;]

fa-fast-forward [&#xf050;]

fa-fax [&#xf1ac;]

fa-female [&#xf182;]

fa-fighter-jet [&#xf0fb;]

fa-file [&#xf15b;]

fa-file-archive-o [&#xf1c6;]

fa-file-audio-o [&#xf1c7;]

fa-file-code-o [&#xf1c9;]

fa-file-excel-o [&#xf1c3;]

fa-file-image-o [&#xf1c5;]

fa-file-movie-o [&#xf1c8;]

fa-file-o [&#xf016;]

fa-file-pdf-o [&#xf1c1;]

fa-file-photo-o [&#xf1c5;]

fa-file-picture-o [&#xf1c5;]

fa-file-powerpoint-o [&#xf1c4;]

fa-file-sound-o [&#xf1c7;]

fa-file-text [&#xf15c;]

fa-file-text-o [&#xf0f6;]

fa-file-video-o [&#xf1c8;]

fa-file-word-o [&#xf1c2;]

fa-file-zip-o [&#xf1c6;]

fa-files-o [&#xf0c5;]

fa-film [&#xf008;]

fa-filter [&#xf0b0;]

fa-fire [&#xf06d;]

fa-fire-extinguisher [&#xf134;]

fa-flag [&#xf024;]

fa-flag-checkered [&#xf11e;]

fa-flag-o [&#xf11d;]

fa-flash [&#xf0e7;]

fa-flask [&#xf0c3;]

fa-flickr [&#xf16e;]

fa-floppy-o [&#xf0c7;]

fa-folder [&#xf07b;]

fa-folder-o [&#xf114;]

fa-folder-open [&#xf07c;]

fa-folder-open-o [&#xf115;]

fa-font [&#xf031;]

fa-forumbee [&#xf211;]

fa-forward [&#xf04e;]

fa-foursquare [&#xf180;]

fa-frown-o [&#xf119;]

fa-futbol-o [&#xf1e3;]

fa-gamepad [&#xf11b;]

fa-gavel [&#xf0e3;]

fa-gbp [&#xf154;]

fa-ge [&#xf1d1;]

fa-gear [&#xf013;]

fa-gears [&#xf085;]

fa-genderless [&#xf1db;]

fa-gift [&#xf06b;]

fa-git [&#xf1d3;]

fa-git-square [&#xf1d2;]

fa-github [&#xf09b;]

fa-github-alt [&#xf113;]

fa-github-square [&#xf092;]

fa-gittip [&#xf184;]

fa-glass [&#xf000;]

fa-globe [&#xf0ac;]

fa-google [&#xf1a0;]

fa-google-plus [&#xf0d5;]

fa-google-plus-square [&#xf0d4;]

fa-google-wallet [&#xf1ee;]

fa-graduation-cap [&#xf19d;]

fa-gratipay [&#xf184;]

fa-group [&#xf0c0;]

fa-h-square [&#xf0fd;]

fa-hacker-news [&#xf1d4;]

fa-hand-o-down [&#xf0a7;]

fa-hand-o-left [&#xf0a5;]

fa-hand-o-right [&#xf0a4;]

fa-hand-o-up [&#xf0a6;]

fa-hdd-o [&#xf0a0;]

fa-header [&#xf1dc;]

fa-headphones [&#xf025;]

fa-heart [&#xf004;]

fa-heart-o [&#xf08a;]

fa-heartbeat [&#xf21e;]

fa-history [&#xf1da;]

fa-home [&#xf015;]

fa-hospital-o [&#xf0f8;]

fa-hotel [&#xf236;]

fa-html5 [&#xf13b;]

fa-ils [&#xf20b;]

fa-image [&#xf03e;]

fa-inbox [&#xf01c;]

fa-indent [&#xf03c;]

fa-info [&#xf129;]

fa-info-circle [&#xf05a;]

fa-inr [&#xf156;]

fa-instagram [&#xf16d;]

fa-institution [&#xf19c;]

fa-ioxhost [&#xf208;]

fa-italic [&#xf033;]

fa-joomla [&#xf1aa;]

fa-jpy [&#xf157;]

fa-jsfiddle [&#xf1cc;]

fa-key [&#xf084;]

fa-keyboard-o [&#xf11c;]

fa-krw [&#xf159;]

fa-language [&#xf1ab;]

fa-laptop [&#xf109;]

fa-lastfm [&#xf202;]

fa-lastfm-square [&#xf203;]

fa-leaf [&#xf06c;]

fa-leanpub [&#xf212;]

fa-legal [&#xf0e3;]

fa-lemon-o [&#xf094;]

fa-level-down [&#xf149;]

fa-level-up [&#xf148;]

fa-life-bouy [&#xf1cd;]

fa-life-buoy [&#xf1cd;]

fa-life-ring [&#xf1cd;]

fa-life-saver [&#xf1cd;]

fa-lightbulb-o [&#xf0eb;]

fa-line-chart [&#xf201;]

fa-link [&#xf0c1;]

fa-linkedin [&#xf0e1;]

fa-linkedin-square [&#xf08c;]

fa-linux [&#xf17c;]

fa-list [&#xf03a;]

fa-list-alt [&#xf022;]

fa-list-ol [&#xf0cb;]

fa-list-ul [&#xf0ca;]

fa-location-arrow [&#xf124;]

fa-lock [&#xf023;]

fa-long-arrow-down [&#xf175;]

fa-long-arrow-left [&#xf177;]

fa-long-arrow-right [&#xf178;]

fa-long-arrow-up [&#xf176;]

fa-magic [&#xf0d0;]

fa-magnet [&#xf076;]

fa-mail-forward [&#xf064;]

fa-mail-reply [&#xf112;]

fa-mail-reply-all [&#xf122;]

fa-male [&#xf183;]

fa-map-marker [&#xf041;]

fa-mars [&#xf222;]

fa-mars-double [&#xf227;]

fa-mars-stroke [&#xf229;]

fa-mars-stroke-h [&#xf22b;]

fa-mars-stroke-v [&#xf22a;]

fa-maxcdn [&#xf136;]

fa-meanpath [&#xf20c;]

fa-medium [&#xf23a;]

fa-medkit [&#xf0fa;]

fa-meh-o [&#xf11a;]

fa-mercury [&#xf223;]

fa-microphone [&#xf130;]

fa-microphone-slash [&#xf131;]

fa-minus [&#xf068;]

fa-minus-circle [&#xf056;]

fa-minus-square [&#xf146;]

fa-minus-square-o [&#xf147;]

fa-mobile [&#xf10b;]

fa-mobile-phone [&#xf10b;]

fa-money [&#xf0d6;]

fa-moon-o [&#xf186;]

fa-mortar-board [&#xf19d;]

fa-motorcycle [&#xf21c;]

fa-music [&#xf001;]

fa-navicon [&#xf0c9;]

fa-neuter [&#xf22c;]

fa-newspaper-o [&#xf1ea;]

fa-openid [&#xf19b;]

fa-outdent [&#xf03b;]

fa-pagelines [&#xf18c;]

fa-paint-brush [&#xf1fc;]

fa-paper-plane [&#xf1d8;]

fa-paper-plane-o [&#xf1d9;]

fa-paperclip [&#xf0c6;]

fa-paragraph [&#xf1dd;]

fa-paste [&#xf0ea;]

fa-pause [&#xf04c;]

fa-paw [&#xf1b0;]

fa-paypal [&#xf1ed;]

fa-pencil [&#xf040;]

fa-pencil-square [&#xf14b;]

fa-pencil-square-o [&#xf044;]

fa-phone [&#xf095;]

fa-phone-square [&#xf098;]

fa-photo [&#xf03e;]

fa-picture-o [&#xf03e;]

fa-pie-chart [&#xf200;]

fa-pied-piper [&#xf1a7;]

fa-pied-piper-alt [&#xf1a8;]

fa-pinterest [&#xf0d2;]

fa-pinterest-p [&#xf231;]

fa-pinterest-square [&#xf0d3;]

fa-plane [&#xf072;]

fa-play [&#xf04b;]

fa-play-circle [&#xf144;]

fa-play-circle-o [&#xf01d;]

fa-plug [&#xf1e6;]

fa-plus [&#xf067;]

fa-plus-circle [&#xf055;]

fa-plus-square [&#xf0fe;]

fa-plus-square-o [&#xf196;]

fa-power-off [&#xf011;]

fa-print [&#xf02f;]

fa-puzzle-piece [&#xf12e;]

fa-qq [&#xf1d6;]

fa-qrcode [&#xf029;]

fa-question [&#xf128;]

fa-question-circle [&#xf059;]

fa-quote-left [&#xf10d;]

fa-quote-right [&#xf10e;]

fa-ra [&#xf1d0;]

fa-random [&#xf074;]

fa-rebel [&#xf1d0;]

fa-recycle [&#xf1b8;]

fa-reddit [&#xf1a1;]

fa-reddit-square [&#xf1a2;]

fa-refresh [&#xf021;]

fa-remove [&#xf00d;]

fa-renren [&#xf18b;]

fa-reorder [&#xf0c9;]

fa-repeat [&#xf01e;]

fa-reply [&#xf112;]

fa-reply-all [&#xf122;]

fa-retweet [&#xf079;]

fa-rmb [&#xf157;]

fa-road [&#xf018;]

fa-rocket [&#xf135;]

fa-rotate-left [&#xf0e2;]

fa-rotate-right [&#xf01e;]

fa-rouble [&#xf158;]

fa-rss [&#xf09e;]

fa-rss-square [&#xf143;]

fa-rub [&#xf158;]

fa-ruble [&#xf158;]

fa-rupee [&#xf156;]

fa-save [&#xf0c7;]

fa-scissors [&#xf0c4;]

fa-search [&#xf002;]

fa-search-minus [&#xf010;]

fa-search-plus [&#xf00e;]

fa-sellsy [&#xf213;]

fa-send [&#xf1d8;]

fa-send-o [&#xf1d9;]

fa-server [&#xf233;]

fa-share [&#xf064;]

fa-share-alt [&#xf1e0;]

fa-share-alt-square [&#xf1e1;]

fa-share-square [&#xf14d;]

fa-share-square-o [&#xf045;]

fa-shekel [&#xf20b;]

fa-sheqel [&#xf20b;]

fa-shield [&#xf132;]

fa-ship [&#xf21a;]

fa-shirtsinbulk [&#xf214;]

fa-shopping-cart [&#xf07a;]

fa-sign-in [&#xf090;]

fa-sign-out [&#xf08b;]

fa-signal [&#xf012;]

fa-simplybuilt [&#xf215;]

fa-sitemap [&#xf0e8;]

fa-skyatlas [&#xf216;]

fa-skype [&#xf17e;]

fa-slack [&#xf198;]

fa-sliders [&#xf1de;]

fa-slideshare [&#xf1e7;]

fa-smile-o [&#xf118;]

fa-soccer-ball-o [&#xf1e3;]

fa-sort [&#xf0dc;]

fa-sort-alpha-asc [&#xf15d;]

fa-sort-alpha-desc [&#xf15e;]

fa-sort-amount-asc [&#xf160;]

fa-sort-amount-desc [&#xf161;]

fa-sort-asc [&#xf0de;]

fa-sort-desc [&#xf0dd;]

fa-sort-down [&#xf0dd;]

fa-sort-numeric-asc [&#xf162;]

fa-sort-numeric-desc [&#xf163;]

fa-sort-up [&#xf0de;]

fa-soundcloud [&#xf1be;]

fa-space-shuttle [&#xf197;]

fa-spinner [&#xf110;]

fa-spoon [&#xf1b1;]

fa-spotify [&#xf1bc;]

fa-square [&#xf0c8;]

fa-square-o [&#xf096;]

fa-stack-exchange [&#xf18d;]

fa-stack-overflow [&#xf16c;]

fa-star [&#xf005;]

fa-star-half [&#xf089;]

fa-star-half-empty [&#xf123;]

fa-star-half-full [&#xf123;]

fa-star-half-o [&#xf123;]

fa-star-o [&#xf006;]

fa-steam [&#xf1b6;]

fa-steam-square [&#xf1b7;]

fa-step-backward [&#xf048;]

fa-step-forward [&#xf051;]

fa-stethoscope [&#xf0f1;]

fa-stop [&#xf04d;]

fa-street-view [&#xf21d;]

fa-strikethrough [&#xf0cc;]

fa-stumbleupon [&#xf1a4;]

fa-stumbleupon-circle [&#xf1a3;]

fa-subscript [&#xf12c;]

fa-subway [&#xf239;]

fa-suitcase [&#xf0f2;]

fa-sun-o [&#xf185;]

fa-superscript [&#xf12b;]

fa-support [&#xf1cd;]

fa-table [&#xf0ce;]

fa-tablet [&#xf10a;]

fa-tachometer [&#xf0e4;]

fa-tag [&#xf02b;]

fa-tags [&#xf02c;]

fa-tasks [&#xf0ae;]

fa-taxi [&#xf1ba;]

fa-tencent-weibo [&#xf1d5;]

fa-terminal [&#xf120;]

fa-text-height [&#xf034;]

fa-text-width [&#xf035;]

fa-th [&#xf00a;]

fa-th-large [&#xf009;]

fa-th-list [&#xf00b;]

fa-thumb-tack [&#xf08d;]

fa-thumbs-down [&#xf165;]

fa-thumbs-o-down [&#xf088;]

fa-thumbs-o-up [&#xf087;]

fa-thumbs-up [&#xf164;]

fa-ticket [&#xf145;]

fa-times [&#xf00d;]

fa-times-circle [&#xf057;]

fa-times-circle-o [&#xf05c;]

fa-tint [&#xf043;]

fa-toggle-down [&#xf150;]

fa-toggle-left [&#xf191;]

fa-toggle-off [&#xf204;]

fa-toggle-on [&#xf205;]

fa-toggle-right [&#xf152;]

fa-toggle-up [&#xf151;]

fa-train [&#xf238;]

fa-transgender [&#xf224;]

fa-transgender-alt [&#xf225;]

fa-trash [&#xf1f8;]

fa-trash-o [&#xf014;]

fa-tree [&#xf1bb;]

fa-trello [&#xf181;]

fa-trophy [&#xf091;]

fa-truck [&#xf0d1;]

fa-try [&#xf195;]

fa-tty [&#xf1e4;]

fa-tumblr [&#xf173;]

fa-tumblr-square [&#xf174;]

fa-turkish-lira [&#xf195;]

fa-twitch [&#xf1e8;]

fa-twitter [&#xf099;]

fa-twitter-square [&#xf081;]

fa-umbrella [&#xf0e9;]

fa-underline [&#xf0cd;]

fa-undo [&#xf0e2;]

fa-university [&#xf19c;]

fa-unlink [&#xf127;]

fa-unlock [&#xf09c;]

fa-unlock-alt [&#xf13e;]

fa-unsorted [&#xf0dc;]

fa-upload [&#xf093;]

fa-usd [&#xf155;]

fa-user [&#xf007;]

fa-user-md [&#xf0f0;]

fa-user-plus [&#xf234;]

fa-user-secret [&#xf21b;]

fa-user-times [&#xf235;]

fa-users [&#xf0c0;]

fa-venus [&#xf221;]

fa-venus-double [&#xf226;]

fa-venus-mars [&#xf228;]

fa-viacoin [&#xf237;]

fa-video-camera [&#xf03d;]

fa-vimeo-square [&#xf194;]

fa-vine [&#xf1ca;]

fa-vk [&#xf189;]

fa-volume-down [&#xf027;]

fa-volume-off [&#xf026;]

fa-volume-up [&#xf028;]

fa-warning [&#xf071;]

fa-wechat [&#xf1d7;]

fa-weibo [&#xf18a;]

fa-weixin [&#xf1d7;]

fa-whatsapp [&#xf232;]

fa-wheelchair [&#xf193;]

fa-wifi [&#xf1eb;]

fa-windows [&#xf17a;]

fa-won [&#xf159;]

fa-wordpress [&#xf19a;]

fa-wrench [&#xf0ad;]

fa-xing [&#xf168;]

fa-xing-square [&#xf169;]

fa-yahoo [&#xf19e;]

fa-yelp [&#xf1e9;]

fa-yen [&#xf157;]

fa-youtube [&#xf167;]

fa-youtube-play [&#xf16a;]

fa-youtube-square [&#xf166;]

Other Examples

After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere with the <i> tag. Some examples appreciatively re-usable using Bootstrap.






To increase icon sizes relative to their container, use the fa-lg (33% increase), fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, or fa-5x classes.

      <p><i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-lg"></i> fa-lg</p>
      <p><i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-2x"></i> fa-2x</p>
      <p><i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-3x"></i> fa-3x</p>
      <p><i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-4x"></i> fa-4x</p>
      <p><i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-5x"></i> fa-5x</p>
  • If your icons are getting chopped off on top and bottom, make sure you have sufficient line-height.
  •   Home
  •   Library
  •   Applications
  •   Settings

Use fa-fw to set icons at a fixed width. Great to use when different icon widths throw off alignment. Especially useful in things like nav lists & list groups.

      <ul class="list-group">
        <li class="list-group-item" href="#"><i class="fa fa-home fa-fw"></i>  Home</li>
        <li class="list-group-item" href="#"><i class="fa fa-book fa-fw"></i>  Library</li>
        <li class="list-group-item" href="#"><i class="fa fa-pencil fa-fw"></i>  Applications</li>
        <li class="list-group-item" href="#"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-fw"></i>  Settings</li>
  • List icons
  • can be used
  • as bullets
  • in lists

Use fa-ul and fa-li to easily replace default bullets in unordered lists.

      <ul class="fa-ul">
        <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square"></i>List icons</li>
        <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square"></i>can be used</li>
        <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>as bullets</li>
        <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i>in lists</li>

…tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… And then one fine morning— So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Use fa-border and pull-right or pull-left for easy pull quotes or article icons.

        <i class="fa fa-quote-left fa-3x pull-left fa-border"></i>
        …tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… And then one fine morning—
        So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Use the fa-spin class to get any icon to rotate, and use fa-pulse to have it rotate with 8 steps. Works well with fa-spinner, fa-refresh, and fa-cog.

        <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-3x fa-fw margin-bottom"></i>
        <i class="fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin fa-3x fa-fw margin-bottom"></i>
        <i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin fa-3x fa-fw margin-bottom"></i>
        <i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin fa-3x fa-fw margin-bottom"></i>
        <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-3x fa-fw margin-bottom"></i>


To arbitrarily rotate and flip icons, use the fa-rotate-* and fa-flip-* classes.

      <p style="font-size: 18px;">
        <i class="fa fa-shield"></i>  normal<br>
        <i class="fa fa-shield fa-rotate-90"></i>  fa-rotate-90<br>
        <i class="fa fa-shield fa-rotate-180"></i>  fa-rotate-180<br>
        <i class="fa fa-shield fa-rotate-270"></i>  fa-rotate-270<br>
        <i class="fa fa-shield fa-flip-horizontal"></i>  fa-flip-horizontal<br>
        <i class="fa fa-shield fa-flip-vertical"></i>  fa-flip-vertical