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Ze względów bezpieczeństwa pełen spoiler zdecydowaliśmy się przenieść na bezpieczniejszy serwer. Kopiując odnośnik znajdujący się poniżej wprost do okna przeglądarki - uzyskacie dostęp do spoilera:
{{Spoiler|name=Mage Addons Quest}}
===Dodatek 1: Różdżka ===
'''UWAGA!!! Nasza strona jest ściśle powiązana z największą polską witryną: - staramy się zachować wszelkie możliwe procedury bezpieczeństwa, jeśli zauważysz jakieś niepokojące edycje naszych stron - skontaktuj się z administratorami.'''
==== Potrzebne przedmioty ====
*{{GS|Snakebite Rod}}
*{{GS|Moonlight Rod}}
*{{GS|Necrotic Rod}}
*{{GS|Terra Rod}}
*{{GS|Hailstorm Rod}}
*{{GS|Wand of Vortex}}
*{{GS|Wand of Dragonbreath}}
*{{GS|Wand of Decay}}
*{{GS|Wand of Cosmic Energy}}
*{{GS|Wand of Inferno}}
*{{GS|Soul Stone}}
*{{GS|Magic Sulphur|10}} - w zamian za 30 [[Fire Sword]]ów u [[Haroun]]a bądź [[Yaman]]a.
==== Opis ====
Idziemy do [[Dark Cathedral|Katedry Ciemności]], gdzie musimy odnaleźć [[Angelina|Angelinę]] (jest uwięziona na najniższym poziomie, patrz mapa):<br/>
Możliwe, że będzie potrzebny [[klucz 5050]], który można znaleźć w skrzynce w jednym z pomieszczeń w pobliżu celi. Gdy już dojdziesz na miejsce, porozmawiaj z [[Angelina|Angeliną]]:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Angelina]]: The gods must be praised that I am finally saved. I do not have many worldly possessions, but please accept a smallreward, do you?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Angelina]]: I will tell you a small secret now. My friend Lynda in Thais can create a blessed wand. Greet her from me, maybe shewill aid you.
*''Gracz'': '''bye'''
*[[Angelina]]: May the gods bless you.
Teraz idź i porozmawiaj z [[Lynda|Lyndą]] w kościele w [[Thais]]:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Lynda]]: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim ''Gracz''!
*''Gracz'': '''Angelina'''
*[[Lynda]]: Angelina had been imprisoned? My, these are horrible news, but I am so glad to hear that she is safe now. ...
*[[Lynda]]: I will happily carry out her wish and reward you, but I fear I need some important ingredients for my blessing spell first....
*[[Lynda]]: Will you gather them for me?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Lynda]]: Thank you, I promise that your efforts won't be in vain! Listen closely now: ...
*[[Lynda]]: First, I need a sample of each druid rod and sorcerer wand there is in Tibia. Please bring them all at once so that their energy will be balanced. ...
*[[Lynda]]: Secondly, I need 10 ounces of magic sulphur. It can absorb the elemental energy of all the wands and rods and bind it tosomething else. ...
*[[Lynda]]: Next, I will need a soul stone. These can be used as a vessel for energy, evil as well as good. They are rarely used nowaday though. ...
*[[Lynda]]: Lastly, I need a lot of holy energy. I can extract it from ankhs, but only a small amount each time. I will need about 20 ankhs. ...
*[[Lynda]]: Did you understand everything I told you and will help me with my blessing?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Lynda]]: Alright then. Come back to with a sample of all five wands and five rods, please.           
Do skonstruowania magicznej różdżki, mysimy przynieść [[Lynda|Lyndzie]] wiele magicznych składników. Dzięki właściwościom [[Magic Sulphur|magicznej siarki]], wyciągnie ona energię z [[Różdżki|różdżek]] i [[Ankh|krzyży]] i zamknie ją w [[Soul Stone|kamieniu duszy]], który umieści na szczycie naszej różdżki. Gdy już masz wszystko, co trzeba, pomów z nią znów:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Lynda]]: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim ''Gracz''!
*''Gracz'': '''wands'''
*[[Lynda]]: Did you bring a sample of each wand and each rod with you?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Lynda]]: Thank you, that must have been a lot to carry. Now, please bring me 10 ounces of magic sulphur.
*''Gracz'': '''magic sulphur'''
*[[Lynda]]: Did you obtain 10 ounces of magic sulphur?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Lynda]]: Very good. I will immediately start to prepare the ritual and extract the elemental energy from the wands and rods. Please bring me the Necromancer's soul stone now.
*''Gracz'': '''soul stone'''
*[[Lynda]]: Were you actually able to retrieve the Necromancer's soul stone?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Lynda]]: You have found a rarity there, ''Gracz''. This will become the tip of your blessed wand. Please bring me 20 ankhs now to complete the ritual.
*''Gracz'': '''ankhs'''
*[[Lynda]]: Am I sensing enough holy energy from ankhs here?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Lynda]]: The ingredients for the ritual are complete! I will start to prepare your blessed wand, but I have to medidate first. Please come back later to hear how the ritual went.
'''Skopiuj powyższy odnośnik do okna przeglądarki, aby uzyskać dostęp do spoilera'''
Teraz daj [[Lynda|Lyndzie]] 3 godziny czasu na medytacje, po czym wróć:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Lynda]]: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim ''Gracz''!
*''Gracz'': '''ritual'''
*[[Lynda]]: I'm glad to tell you that I have finished the ritual, ''Gracz''. Here is your new wand. I hope you carry it proudly foreveryone to see.
===Dodatek 2: Kapelusz Ferumbrasa ===
==== Potrzebne przedmioty ====
*{{GS|Ferumbras' Hat}} - Największą i jedyną trudnością w zdobyciu kapelusza jest konieczność zabicia strasznego [[Ferumbras]]a, który czasem odwiedza swą [[Ferumbras Citadel|wieżę]] na wyspie [[Kharos]].
==== Opis ====
Gdy już masz ten cenny przedmiot, udaj się do [[Zoltan]]a w akademii na [[Edron]]:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*[[Zoltan]]: Welcome ''Gracz'', student of the arcane arts.
*''Gracz'': '''proof'''
*[[Zoltan]]: ... I cannot believe my eyes. You retrieved this hat from Ferumbras' remains? That is incredible. If you give it to me, I will grant you the right to wear this hat as addon. What do you say?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Zoltan]]: I bow to you, ''Gracz'', and hereby grant you the right to wear Ferumbras' hat as accessory. Congratulations!
=== Dodatek 1: Butelki u pasa ===
==== Potrzebne przedmioty ====
*{{GS|Winning Lottery Ticket}}
==== Opis ====
Żeby zdobyć [[Winning Lottery Ticket|zwycięski kupon]] możemy wziąć udział w konkursie, lub kupić go od gracza. Jeśli zdecydowaliśmy się na pierwszą opcje, rozmawiamy z [[Sandra|Sandrą]].
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Sandra]]: Hello ''Gracz''.
*''Gracz'': '''vial'''
*[[Sandra]]: We have a special offer right now for depositing vials. Are you interested in hearing it?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Sandra]]: The Edron academy has introduced a bonus system. Each time you deposit 100 vials without claiming the money for it, you will receive a lottery ticket. ...
*[[Sandra]]: Some of these lottery tickets will grant you a special potion belt accessory, if you bring the ticket to me. ...
*[[Sandra]]: If you join the bonus system now, I will ask you each time you are bringing back 100 or more vials to me whether you claim your deposit or rather want a lottery ticket. ...
*[[Sandra]]: Of course, you can leave or join the bonus system at any time by just asking me for the 'bonus'. ...
*[[Sandra]]: Would you like to join the bonus system now?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Sandra]]: Great! I've signed you up for our bonus system. From now on, you will have the chance to win the potion belt addon!
Od teraz za każdym razem jak zechcesz u [[Sandra|Sandry]] sprzedać 100 [[Vial|butelek]] lub [[Empty Potion Flask|flaszek po miksturach]], zamiast 500 [[gp]] otrzymasz [[Lottery Ticket|kupon loteryjny]]. Jeśli chcesz wymienić butelki na kupon, powiedz:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Sandra]]: Hello ''Gracz''.
*''Gracz'': '''vial'''
*[[Sandra]]: Would you like to get a lottery ticket instead of the deposit for your vials?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
Otrzymany [[Lottery Ticket|kupon]] użyj i jeśli jest [[Winning Lottery Ticket‎|zwycięski]], to dostaniesz nowy [[addon|dodatek]]. Jak nie, to próbuj dalej.
=== Dodatek 2: Tiara ===
==== Potrzebne przedmioty ====
*{{GS|Bat Wing|70}}
*{{GS|Red Piece of Cloth|20}}
*{{GS|Ape Fur|40}}
*{{GS|Holy Orchid|35}}
*{{GS|Lizard Scale|60}}
*{{GS|Red Dragon Scale|40}}
*{{GS|Vampire Dust|30}}
*{{GS|Magic Sulphur|15}} - z wymiany 45 [[Fire Sword]]ów u [[Haroun]]a, bądź [[Yaman]]a
*{{GS|Spool of Yarn|10}} - z wymiany [[Giant Spider Silk]]ów i 50 [[Honeycomb]]ów u [[Marina|Mariny]] na [[Meriana|Merianie]]
==== Opis ====
Udaj się do [[Port Hope]] i porozmawiaj z [[Myra|Myrą]]:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*[[Myra]]: Greetings.
*''Gracz'': '''outfit'''
*[[Myra]]: This Tiara is an award by the academy of Edron in recognition of my service here.
*''Gracz'': '''tiara'''
*[[Myra]]: Well... maybe, if you help me a little, I could convince the academy of Edron that you are a valuable help here and deserve an award too. How about it?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Okay, great! You see, I need a few magical ingredients which I've run out of. First of all, please bring me 70 bat wings. ...
*[[Myra]]: Then, I urgently need a lot of red cloth. I think 20 pieces should suffice. ...
*[[Myra]]: Oh, and also, I could use a whole load of ape fur. Please bring me 40 pieces. ...
*[[Myra]]: After that, um, let me think... I'd like to have some holy orchids. Or no, many holy orchids, to be safe. Like 35. ...
*[[Myra]]: Then, 10 spools of spider silk yarn, 60 lizard scales and 40 red dragon scales. ...
*[[Myra]]: I know I'm forgetting something.. wait... ah yes, 15 ounces of magic sulphur and 30 ounces of vampire dust. ...
*[[Myra]]: That's it already! Easy task, isn't it? I'm sure you could get all of that within a short time. ...
*[[Myra]]: Did you understand everything I told you and are willing to handle this task?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Fine! Let's start with the 70 bat wings. I really feel uncomfortable out there in the jungle.
*''Gracz'': '''bye'''
*[[Myra]]: Farewell.
Myra dostała swoją tiarę, w zamian za zasługi dla Akademii na [[Edron]]. Jeśli przyniesiemy jej dużo różnych składników. Jeśli mamy wszystko, oddajemy jej zebrane przez nas przedmioty, przekona ona zarządców akademii, o naszej przydatności.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Myra]]: Greetings.
*''Gracz'': '''bat wings'''
*[[Myra]]: Oh, did you bring the 70 bat wings for me?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Thank you! I really needed them for my anti-wrinkle lotion. Now, please bring me 20 pieces of red cloth.
*''Gracz'': '''red cloth'''
*[[Myra]]: Have you found 20 pieces of red cloth?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Great! This should be enough for my new dress. Don't forget to bring me 40 pieces of ape fur next!
*''Gracz'': '''ape fur'''
*[[Myra]]: Were you able to retrieve 40 pieces of ape fur?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Nice job, ''Gracz''. You see, I'm testing a new depilation cream. I guess if it works on ape fur it's good quality. Next, please bring me 35 holy orchids.
*''Gracz'': '''holy orchids'''
*[[Myra]]: Did you convince the elves to give you 35 holy orchids?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Thank god! The scent of holy orchids is simply the only possible solution against the horrible stench from the tavern latrine. Now, pleasebring me 10 rolls of spider silk yarn!
*''Gracz'': '''spider silk yarn'''
*[[Myra]]: Oh, did you bring 10 spools of spider silk yarn for me?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: I appreciate it. My pet doggie manages to bite through all sorts of leashes, which is why he is always gone. I'm sure this strong yarn will keep him. Now, go for the 60 lizard scales!
*''Gracz'': '''lizard scales'''
*[[Myra]]: Have you found 60 lizard scales?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Good job. They will look almost like sequins on my new dress. Please go for the 40 red dragon scales now.
*''Gracz'': '''red dragon scales'''
*[[Myra]]: Were you able to get all 40 red dragon scales?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Thanks! They make a pretty decoration, don't you think? Please bring me 15 ounces of magic sulphur now!
*''Gracz'': '''magic sulphur'''
*[[Myra]]: Have you collected 15 ounces of magic sulphur?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Ah, that's enough magic sulphur for my new peeling. You should try it once, your skin gets incredibly smooth. Now, the only thing I need isvampire dust. 30 ounces will suffice.
*''Gracz'': '''vampire dust'''
*[[Myra]]: Have you gathered 30 ounces of vampire dust?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Myra]]: Ah, great. Now I can finally finish the potion which the academy of Edron asked me to. I guess, now you want your reward, don't you?
*''Gracz'': '''addon'''
*[[Myra]]: This Tiara is an award by the academy of Edron in recognition of my service here.
*''Gracz'': '''tiara'''
*[[Myra]]: Go to the academy in Edron and tell Zoltan that I sent you, ''Gracz''.
Otrzymałeś of [[Myra|Myry]], nominację więc możesz udać się do akademii i porozmawiać z [[Zoltan]]em.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Zoltan]]: Welcome ''Gracz'', student of the arcane arts.
*''Gracz'': '''Myra'''
*[[Zoltan]]: Bah, I know. I received some sort of 'nomination' from our outpost in Port Hope. ...
*[[Zoltan]]: Usually it takes a little more than that for an award though. However, I honour Myra's word. ...

Aktualna wersja na dzień 00:34, 24 paź 2016

Arrow Red.png Jest to skrócona informacja o Mage Addons Quest. Jeśli chcesz przeczytać pełną informację, kliknij tutaj, zaś tutaj, by ją schować.
Znany również jako:
Outfit Mage Male Addon 1.gif Outfit Mage Male Addon 2.gif Outfit Mage Male Addon 3.gif
Addon 1 Addon 2 Oba Addony
Outfit Mage Female Addon 1.gif Outfit Mage Female Addon 2.gif Outfit Mage Female Addon 3.gif
Lokacja: Kobiety: Sandra (Edron), Myra (Port Hope)
Mężczyźni: Angelina (Dark Cathedral), Zoltan (Edron)
Wymagany poziom: -
Potwory, które można napotkać po drodze: Ferumbras, Necropharus, Monk, Dark Monk i Fernfang albo Nietoperze, Hero, Małpy, Elf Arcanisty, Giant Spidery, Waspy/Niedźwiedzie, Lizardy, Dragon Lordy i Wampiry


Dodatek 1: Różdżka

Outfit Mage Male Addon 1.gif

Potrzebne przedmioty


Idziemy do Katedry Ciemności, gdzie musimy odnaleźć Angelinę (jest uwięziona na najniższym poziomie, patrz mapa):


Możliwe, że będzie potrzebny klucz 5050, który można znaleźć w skrzynce w jednym z pomieszczeń w pobliżu celi. Gdy już dojdziesz na miejsce, porozmawiaj z Angeliną:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Angelina: The gods must be praised that I am finally saved. I do not have many worldly possessions, but please accept a smallreward, do you?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Angelina: I will tell you a small secret now. My friend Lynda in Thais can create a blessed wand. Greet her from me, maybe shewill aid you.
  • Gracz: bye
  • Angelina: May the gods bless you.

Teraz idź i porozmawiaj z Lyndą w kościele w Thais:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Lynda: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Gracz!
  • Gracz: Angelina
  • Lynda: Angelina had been imprisoned? My, these are horrible news, but I am so glad to hear that she is safe now. ...
  • Lynda: I will happily carry out her wish and reward you, but I fear I need some important ingredients for my blessing spell first....
  • Lynda: Will you gather them for me?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Thank you, I promise that your efforts won't be in vain! Listen closely now: ...
  • Lynda: First, I need a sample of each druid rod and sorcerer wand there is in Tibia. Please bring them all at once so that their energy will be balanced. ...
  • Lynda: Secondly, I need 10 ounces of magic sulphur. It can absorb the elemental energy of all the wands and rods and bind it tosomething else. ...
  • Lynda: Next, I will need a soul stone. These can be used as a vessel for energy, evil as well as good. They are rarely used nowaday though. ...
  • Lynda: Lastly, I need a lot of holy energy. I can extract it from ankhs, but only a small amount each time. I will need about 20 ankhs. ...
  • Lynda: Did you understand everything I told you and will help me with my blessing?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Alright then. Come back to with a sample of all five wands and five rods, please.

Do skonstruowania magicznej różdżki, mysimy przynieść Lyndzie wiele magicznych składników. Dzięki właściwościom magicznej siarki, wyciągnie ona energię z różdżek i krzyży i zamknie ją w kamieniu duszy, który umieści na szczycie naszej różdżki. Gdy już masz wszystko, co trzeba, pomów z nią znów:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Lynda: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Gracz!
  • Gracz: wands
  • Lynda: Did you bring a sample of each wand and each rod with you?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Thank you, that must have been a lot to carry. Now, please bring me 10 ounces of magic sulphur.
  • Gracz: magic sulphur
  • Lynda: Did you obtain 10 ounces of magic sulphur?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Very good. I will immediately start to prepare the ritual and extract the elemental energy from the wands and rods. Please bring me the Necromancer's soul stone now.
  • Gracz: soul stone
  • Lynda: Were you actually able to retrieve the Necromancer's soul stone?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: You have found a rarity there, Gracz. This will become the tip of your blessed wand. Please bring me 20 ankhs now to complete the ritual.
  • Gracz: ankhs
  • Lynda: Am I sensing enough holy energy from ankhs here?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: The ingredients for the ritual are complete! I will start to prepare your blessed wand, but I have to medidate first. Please come back later to hear how the ritual went.

Teraz daj Lyndzie 3 godziny czasu na medytacje, po czym wróć:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Lynda: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Gracz!
  • Gracz: ritual
  • Lynda: I'm glad to tell you that I have finished the ritual, Gracz. Here is your new wand. I hope you carry it proudly foreveryone to see.

Dodatek 2: Kapelusz Ferumbrasa

Outfit Mage Male Addon 2.gif

Potrzebne przedmioty


Gdy już masz ten cenny przedmiot, udaj się do Zoltana w akademii na Edron:

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Zoltan: Welcome Gracz, student of the arcane arts.
  • Gracz: proof
  • Zoltan: ... I cannot believe my eyes. You retrieved this hat from Ferumbras' remains? That is incredible. If you give it to me, I will grant you the right to wear this hat as addon. What do you say?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Zoltan: I bow to you, Gracz, and hereby grant you the right to wear Ferumbras' hat as accessory. Congratulations!


Dodatek 1: Butelki u pasa

Outfit Mage Female Addon 1.gif

Potrzebne przedmioty


Żeby zdobyć zwycięski kupon możemy wziąć udział w konkursie, lub kupić go od gracza. Jeśli zdecydowaliśmy się na pierwszą opcje, rozmawiamy z Sandrą.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Sandra: Hello Gracz.
  • Gracz: vial
  • Sandra: We have a special offer right now for depositing vials. Are you interested in hearing it?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Sandra: The Edron academy has introduced a bonus system. Each time you deposit 100 vials without claiming the money for it, you will receive a lottery ticket. ...
  • Sandra: Some of these lottery tickets will grant you a special potion belt accessory, if you bring the ticket to me. ...
  • Sandra: If you join the bonus system now, I will ask you each time you are bringing back 100 or more vials to me whether you claim your deposit or rather want a lottery ticket. ...
  • Sandra: Of course, you can leave or join the bonus system at any time by just asking me for the 'bonus'. ...
  • Sandra: Would you like to join the bonus system now?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Sandra: Great! I've signed you up for our bonus system. From now on, you will have the chance to win the potion belt addon!

Od teraz za każdym razem jak zechcesz u Sandry sprzedać 100 butelek lub flaszek po miksturach, zamiast 500 gp otrzymasz kupon loteryjny. Jeśli chcesz wymienić butelki na kupon, powiedz:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Sandra: Hello Gracz.
  • Gracz: vial
  • Sandra: Would you like to get a lottery ticket instead of the deposit for your vials?
  • Gracz: yes

Otrzymany kupon użyj i jeśli jest zwycięski, to dostaniesz nowy dodatek. Jak nie, to próbuj dalej.

Dodatek 2: Tiara

Outfit Mage Female Addon 2.gif

Potrzebne przedmioty


Udaj się do Port Hope i porozmawiaj z Myrą:

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Myra: Greetings.
  • Gracz: outfit
  • Myra: This Tiara is an award by the academy of Edron in recognition of my service here.
  • Gracz: tiara
  • Myra: Well... maybe, if you help me a little, I could convince the academy of Edron that you are a valuable help here and deserve an award too. How about it?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Okay, great! You see, I need a few magical ingredients which I've run out of. First of all, please bring me 70 bat wings. ...
  • Myra: Then, I urgently need a lot of red cloth. I think 20 pieces should suffice. ...
  • Myra: Oh, and also, I could use a whole load of ape fur. Please bring me 40 pieces. ...
  • Myra: After that, um, let me think... I'd like to have some holy orchids. Or no, many holy orchids, to be safe. Like 35. ...
  • Myra: Then, 10 spools of spider silk yarn, 60 lizard scales and 40 red dragon scales. ...
  • Myra: I know I'm forgetting something.. wait... ah yes, 15 ounces of magic sulphur and 30 ounces of vampire dust. ...
  • Myra: That's it already! Easy task, isn't it? I'm sure you could get all of that within a short time. ...
  • Myra: Did you understand everything I told you and are willing to handle this task?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Fine! Let's start with the 70 bat wings. I really feel uncomfortable out there in the jungle.
  • Gracz: bye
  • Myra: Farewell.

Myra dostała swoją tiarę, w zamian za zasługi dla Akademii na Edron. Jeśli przyniesiemy jej dużo różnych składników. Jeśli mamy wszystko, oddajemy jej zebrane przez nas przedmioty, przekona ona zarządców akademii, o naszej przydatności.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Myra: Greetings.
  • Gracz: bat wings
  • Myra: Oh, did you bring the 70 bat wings for me?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Thank you! I really needed them for my anti-wrinkle lotion. Now, please bring me 20 pieces of red cloth.
  • Gracz: red cloth
  • Myra: Have you found 20 pieces of red cloth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Great! This should be enough for my new dress. Don't forget to bring me 40 pieces of ape fur next!
  • Gracz: ape fur
  • Myra: Were you able to retrieve 40 pieces of ape fur?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Nice job, Gracz. You see, I'm testing a new depilation cream. I guess if it works on ape fur it's good quality. Next, please bring me 35 holy orchids.
  • Gracz: holy orchids
  • Myra: Did you convince the elves to give you 35 holy orchids?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Thank god! The scent of holy orchids is simply the only possible solution against the horrible stench from the tavern latrine. Now, pleasebring me 10 rolls of spider silk yarn!
  • Gracz: spider silk yarn
  • Myra: Oh, did you bring 10 spools of spider silk yarn for me?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: I appreciate it. My pet doggie manages to bite through all sorts of leashes, which is why he is always gone. I'm sure this strong yarn will keep him. Now, go for the 60 lizard scales!
  • Gracz: lizard scales
  • Myra: Have you found 60 lizard scales?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Good job. They will look almost like sequins on my new dress. Please go for the 40 red dragon scales now.
  • Gracz: red dragon scales
  • Myra: Were you able to get all 40 red dragon scales?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Thanks! They make a pretty decoration, don't you think? Please bring me 15 ounces of magic sulphur now!
  • Gracz: magic sulphur
  • Myra: Have you collected 15 ounces of magic sulphur?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Ah, that's enough magic sulphur for my new peeling. You should try it once, your skin gets incredibly smooth. Now, the only thing I need isvampire dust. 30 ounces will suffice.
  • Gracz: vampire dust
  • Myra: Have you gathered 30 ounces of vampire dust?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Myra: Ah, great. Now I can finally finish the potion which the academy of Edron asked me to. I guess, now you want your reward, don't you?
  • Gracz: addon
  • Myra: This Tiara is an award by the academy of Edron in recognition of my service here.
  • Gracz: tiara
  • Myra: Go to the academy in Edron and tell Zoltan that I sent you, Gracz.

Otrzymałeś of Myry, nominację więc możesz udać się do akademii i porozmawiać z Zoltanem.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Zoltan: Welcome Gracz, student of the arcane arts.
  • Gracz: Myra
  • Zoltan: Bah, I know. I received some sort of 'nomination' from our outpost in Port Hope. ...
  • Zoltan: Usually it takes a little more than that for an award though. However, I honour Myra's word. ...