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Istnieje 12 posiadaczy Medal of Honour.

Pierwszym jest Burning Knuckle z serweru Antica.
You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
Steve has written: Winner of the Mexican Convention 2006.

Drugim zaś jest Jack Bouer z Eternii.
You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
GM Manina Eternia has written: Most artistic Cartoonist within Tibia: Jack Bouer (Winner of the TibiaNews Comic Contest 2006)

Trzeci to polski gracz o imieniu Lord Andersik. Pochodzi z Celesty.
You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
GM Manina Celesta has written: Dea Luminata - Zwyciezca konkursu!!

Czwarty to Swift Warlord z Pacery.
You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
It is yet unknown what's written on it.

Piąty to Merlino z Antiki.
You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
GM Manina Antica has written: Winner of the Regensburg Convention 2006

Szósty ma nick Stratobear. Zamieszkuje Securę.
You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
CM Manina Secura wrote on 08. May 2007: Stratobear 1º Ganhador da medalha do

Siódmy nazywa się Marazxz i pochodzi z Solery.
<b> You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
CM Manina Solera wrote on 02. Aug 2007: Marazxz Winner of the 5th Mexican Convention!

Ósmym jest Myst'Sharion z Refugii.
<b> You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
CM Andasstra on Refugia wrote on 20. May 2008: Congratulations to Myst'Sharion who won the 1. prize at the unique item competition at TibiaNordic.

Dziewiąty to gracz o imieniu Darket. Pochodzi z Guardii.
<b> You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
~Do tej pory nie wiadomo co na nim pisze.~

Dziesiąty to Ardoth Drad z Julery.
<b> You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
CM Andasstra on Julera wrote on 26. May 2008: Congratulations to Thala Vali who won the 3. prize at the unique item competition at TibiaNordic.

Jedenasty to Dragondorf z Amery.
<b> You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
CM Andasstra on Amera wrote on 26. May 2008: Congratulations to Dragondorf who won the 3. prize at the unique item competition at TibiaCz. :)

Dwunasty ma nick Chaosruler. Zamieszkuje Titanię.
<b> You see a medal of honour.
It weighs 10.00 oz.
CM Iscen on Titania wrote on 17. Jul 2008: Awarded to Chaosruler for his outstanding work in the NTCR-V Thread on TMB.