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{{Spoiler|name= Hunter Addons Quests}}
=== Hooded Cloak (Kaptur(mężczyźni))/Winged Tiara (Skrzydlata Tiara(kobiety)) ===
==== Potrzebne rzeczy ====
* 1 Engraved Crossbow
* 100 Pieces of [[Lizard Leather]]
* 100 Pieces of [[Red Dragon Leather]]
* 5 [[Enchanted Chicken Wing|Enchanted Chicken Wings]]
* 1 Piece of [[Royal Steel]]
* 1 Piece of [[Draconian Steel]]
* 1 Piece of [[Hell Steel]]
==== Opis ====
* Wszystkie z wymienionych poniżej przedmiotów (Poza kuszą) można zebrać już przed rozpoczęciem zadania:
** Zdobądź 100 [[Lizard Leather]] ze wszystkich rodzajów Lizardów.
** Zdobądź 100 [[Red Dragon Leather]] z Dragon Lordów
** Wymień 5 [[Boots of Haste]] na 5 [[Enchanted Chicken Wing|Enchanted Chicken Wings]] u [[Haroun|Haroun'a]] bądź [[Yaman|Yaman'a]].
** Wszystkie trzy kawałki stali zakup u [[A Sweaty Cyclops|Spoconego Cyklopa]] w Ab'Dendriel (Uprzednio wykonując u niego [[Sweaty Cyclop Quest|questa]])
*Po rozmowie z [[Elane]] o dodatkach możesz zacząć poszukiwania jej zagubionej kuszy.
**Aby to uczynić, zdobądź [[Song Hymn (First Verse)|wszystkie]] [[Song Hymn (Second Verse)|cztery]] [[Song Hymn (Third Verse)|wersy]] [[Song Hymn (Fourth Verse)|hymnu]] poprzez zabijanie członków kultu ([[Novice of the Cult|Najsłabsi]] z nich mieszkają pod [[Liberty Bay]]).
The other cult members can be found on the island of Goroma.
**Once you have "learned" all 4 verses, go to the Cult cave north-east of Liberty Bay.
**Inside this cave, go down two levels and as far south as possible. There will be a Piano in a small room here.
**Since you know all 4 verses of the Hymn, "use" the piano and you will be teleported behind the wall. Go down the stairs in the middle of this small room, and prepare to have your GFB stock diminished considerably.
**In this cave is a "sealed" door with a red handle. Please note that you cannot open this door if you haven't actually talked to Elane and accepted the quest in person. Just having all the verses doesn't grant you access. Behind this door is Elane's crossbow, in a chest. You will have to face Novice of the Cult, Acolyte of the Cult, Dark Monks, Elder Beholders, and possibly other creatures in this cave if you're not careful.
*After you have given Elane all of the items she asked for, she will give you the hooded cloak/winged tiara addon
==== Rozmowa ====
''gracz'': Hi<br>
'''Elane''': Hi, ''gracz''! What can I do for you?<br>
''gracz'': Outfit<br>
'''Elane''': Oh, my winged tiara? Those are traditionally awarded after having completed a difficult task for our guild, only to female aspirants though. Male warriors will receive a hooded cloak.<br>
''gracz'': Task<br>
'''Elane''': So you are saying that you would like to prove that you deserve to wear such a hooded cloak?<br>
''gracz'': Yes<br>
'''Elane''': Alright, I will give you a chance. Pay close attention to what I'm going to tell you now. ...<br>
'''Elane''': Recently, one of our members moved to Liberty Bay out of nowhere, talking about some strange cult. That is not the problem, but he took my favourite crossbow with him. ...<br>
'''Elane''': Please find my crossbow. It has my name engraved on it and is very special to me. ...<br>
'''Elane''': Secondly, we need a lot of leather for new quivers. 100 pieces of lizard leather and 100 pieces of red dragon leather should suffice ...<br>
'''Elane''': Third, since we are giving out tiaras, we are always in need of enchanted chicken wings. Please bring me 5, that would help us tremendously ...<br>
'''Elane''': Lastly, for our arrow heads we need a lot of steel. Best would be one piece of royal steel, one piece of draconian steel and one piece of hell steel. ...<br>
'''Elane''': Did you understand everything I told you and are willing to handle this task?<br>
''gracz'': Yes<br>
''player'': crossbow<br>
'''Elane''': I'm so excited! Have you really found my crossbow?<br>
''player'': yes<br>
'''Elane''': Yeah! I could kiss you right here and there! Besides, you're a handsome one. <giggles> Please bring me 100 pieces of lizard leather and 100 pieces of red dragon leather now!<br>
=== Sniper Gloves (Rękawice strzelca wyborowego) ===
==== Potrzebne rzeczy ====
* 1 [[Sniper Gloves]]
==== Opis ====
* Zdobądź [[Sniper Gloves]] z [[Hunter]]a
* Zanieś je do [[Elane]] w [[Thais]]
==== Rozmowa ====
''gracz'': Sniper Gloves<br>
'''Elane''': You found sniper gloves?! Incredible! Listen, if you give them to me, I will grant you the right to wear the sniper gloves accessory. How about it?<br>
''gracz'': Yes<br>
'''Elane''': Great! I hereby grant you the right to wear the sniper gloves as accessory. Congratulations!<br>

Wersja z 09:02, 7 paź 2006