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{{Infobox_Creature|GetValue=| | name = The Dark One | stronauzyt = tak | img = Wild_Warrior.gif | hp = ? | exp = ? | summon = -- | convince = -- | abilities = Ultimate Healing, Explosion (1400-7000 hp), Great Fireball | odpornyfizyka = | odpornyswieto = tak | odpornysmierc = | odpornyenergia = | odpornyziemia = tak | odpornyogien = | odpornylod = tak | odpornyparaliz = | odpornylifedrai = | odpornyniewid = | codpornyfizyka = | codpornyswieto = | codpornysmierc = | codpornyenergia = tak | codpornyziemia = | codpornyogien = | codpornylod = | wrazliwyfizyka = | wrazliwyswieto = | wrazliwysmierc = tak | wrazliwyenergia = | wrazliwyziemia = | wrazliwyogien = | wrazliwylod = | sounds = "Gruntz!"; "Me strong! Me ate spinach!"; "Charach, Futchi, Buta Humak!". |behavior = W zwarciu (0-3000 hp) | notes = | opis = Rzadko spotykany rycerz, który gdzieś ma swoją kryjówkę z pewnym łucznikiem. Niestety nikt nie wie, gdzie ona leży. | location = | strategy = | loot = 0-2000 gp, 0-8 Spear, 0-10 Meat, 0-10 Fire Mushroom, 0-8 Ham, 0-2 Dragon Ham, 0-3 Ham, 0-4 Brown Piece of Cloth, 0-2 Black Pearl, 0-3 Green Piece of Cloth, 0-3 Blue Piece of Cloth, 0-2 White Piece of Cloth, 0-4 Red Piece of Cloth, 0-2 Behemoth Claw, 0-6 Perfect Behemoth Fang, 0-6 Black Pearl, Brown Mushroom, 0-3 Demon Dust, 0-5 Demon Horn, 0-15 Small Emerald, 0-4 Small Amethyst, 0-8 Small Sapphire, 0-3 Red Dragon Leather, 0-5 Red Dragon Scale, 0-4 Burst Arrow, Backpack, Blank Rune, Shovel, Rope, Crystal Coin, Demon Helmet, Magic Plate Armor, Pharaoh Sword, Giant Sword, Mastermind Shield, Boots of Haste, Golden Legs, Ring of the Sky, Crystal Ring, Green Dragon Scale, Green Dragon Leather, Life Crystal, Ring of Healing, Sword Ring, Might Ring, Dragon Necklace, Wand of Inferno, Small Diamond, Royal Steel, White Pearl, Minotaur Leather, Red Robe, Explosion Rune, Ultimate Healing Rune, Great Fireball Rune, Great Shield (rzadko)

Platinum Amulet.gif
Magic Sword.gif
Ring of the Sky.gif
Golden Helmet.gif
Magic Plate Armor.gif
Dragon Scale Legs.gif
Golden Boots.gif
Plik:Backpack Golden.gif
Blessed Shield.gif
Morgaroth's Heart.gif


Amulet of Loss.gif
Stonecutter Axe.gif
Time Ring.gif
Winged Helmet.gif
Demon Armor.gif
Demon Legs.gif
Boots of Haste.gif
Plik:Backpack Green.gif
Great Shield.gif
Orshabaal's Brain.gif


Amulet of Life.gif
Thunder Hammer.gif
Might Ring.gif
Horned Helmet.gif
Red Robe.gif
Golden Legs.gif
Soft Boots.gif
Plik:Bag Golden.gif
Mastermind Shield.gif
Plik:Massacre's Shell Piece.gif
