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Znany również jako: Cooking Event
Nagroda: Potrawy
Lokacja: Na zachód od Ashta'daramai
Wymagany poziom: 35
Potwory, które można napotkać po drodze: Hyaena, Larva, Stone Golem
Legenda: Jean Pierre potrzebuje pomocy z gotowaniem.

Wymagane przedmioty

Przywołać i zabić. Ewentualnie przynieść z jakiejś jaskini.
Przywołać i zabić. Ewentualnie przynieść z jakiejś farmy.
Ze sklepu
NPC Sandra (Edron)
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Przerobić kokosa na wyciskarce lub kupić od graczy
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Ze sklepu
Kupić od graczy
Z Areny w Svargrond lub od graczy
Z pingwinów lub kupić od graczy
Z pingwinów lub kupić od graczy
Z pingwinów lub kupić od graczy
Z Quar, lub wylootować
Z wiwiórek i zmutowanych ludzi, lub kupić od graczy
Znaleźć na bagnach, lub wylootować
Znaleźć na bagnach, lub wylootować
Znaleźć na bagnach, lub wylootować
Znaleźć na bagnach, lub wylootować
Znaleźć na bagnach, lub wylootować
Znaleźć na bagnach, lub wylootować


Udajemy się do Jeana Pierre:

  • Jean Pierre: Greetings, player. What are you doing out here?
  • Gracz: cook
  • Jean Pierre: Well, I'm not a simple cook. I travel the whole Tibian continent for the most artfully seasoned recipes and constantly develop new ones.
  • Gracz: recipes
  • Jean Pierre: You're interested in my recipes? Well. They are not for sale, but if you want to become my apprentice, I'll share my knowledge with you.
  • Gracz: apprentice.
  • Jean Pierre: Hmm. You look quite promising. Can't hurt to give it a try, I guess. Would you like to become my apprentice, gracz?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jean Pierre: Fine, young human. Ask me for a recipe anytime and I'll teach you what I know.

Gratulacje! Od teraz jesteśmy uczniami Jeana Pierre i możemy uczyć się pierwszej potrawy.

Danie 1: Potrawka z Czerwia (Rotworm Stew)

  • Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
  • Gracz: recipe
  • Jean Pierre: The first dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Rotworm Stew'. Now, don't be scared off. Of course we won't eat those nasty and dirty earth-crawlers! ...
  • Jean Pierre: The name is just for the effect it has on people. <winks> Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done. ...
  • Jean Pierre: Two pieces of meat, two vials of beer, twenty potatoes, one onion, one bulb of garlic and five ounces of flour. Make sure that the ingredients are fresh and smell good.

Musimy przynieść:

Plik:Potatoe.gif 20 PotatoeFlour.gif 5 FlourBeer.gif 5 BeerMeat.gif 2 MeatOnion.gif OnionBulb of Garlic.gif Bulb of Garlic

  • Gracz: hi
  • Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
  • Gracz: rotworm stew
  • Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to cook Rotworm Stew with me?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jean Pierre: Aah, so let's see! <prepares the food quickly while he explains it to you> We cook the meat in a large pot together with the chopped onion until it's separated from the bones. Now we also have a fine meat broth! ...
  • Jean Pierre: Cut the potatoes into small pieces and add them to the pot. Add some flour to thicken the stew. Finally, spice it up with some garlic and add beer for the typical dwarvish taste! ...
  • Jean Pierre: And voilà, we're done. I developed this recipe while talking to Maryza in the Jolly Axeman. She said to eat it when one's health is low. Enjoy!

Dostajemy danie które uleczy nas w całości kiedy je zjemy.
Jean poznał je dzięki Maryzie, która opowiedziała mu o nim w jej karczmie.

Danie 2: Sałatka z Języka Hydry (Hydra Tongue Salad)

  • Gracz: hi
  • Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
  • Gracz: recipe
  • Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Hydra Tongue Salad'. The common hydra tongue is a pest plant with an surprisingly aromatic taste. ...
  • Jean Pierre: We'll add some other vegetables and spices for the delicate and distinctive taste. Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done. ...
  • Jean Pierre: Two hydra tongue plants, two tomatoes, one cucumber, two eggs, one troll green and one vial of wine.

Musimy przynieść:

Hydra Tongue.gif 2 Hydra TongueTomato.gif 2 TomatoCucumber.gif CucumberEgg.gif EggTroll Green.gif Troll GreenWine.gif Wine

  • Gracz: hydra tongue salad
  • Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare a Hydra Tongue Salad with me?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jean Pierre: Okay, here we go! <cuts the ingredients so fast that his hands seem almost blurry> This one is easy, just chop the hydra tongues, tomatoes and cucumber into tiny pieces. ...
  • Jean Pierre: Now for the sauce - our base is wine, in which we mix the raw eggs until it got a nice smooth consistency. Add grinded troll green, whose flavour is quite similar to basil and shake the sauce in a mug. ...
  • Jean Pierre: Pour it over the salad, and voilà, we're done! This is a Venorean recipe and very tasty. I recommend eating it when you're suffering from some kind of dangerous condition. Enjoy!

Dostajemy danie które wyleczy nas ze wszystkich złych stanów kiedy je zjemy.
Jest to bardzo smaczna sałatka, której przepis pochodzi z Venore.

Danie 3: Pieczone Skrzydła Smoka (Roasted Dragon Wings)

  • Gracz: hi
  • Jean Pierre: Hello there again, player! I guess you're back for some cooking - let's get going then!
  • Gracz: recipe
  • Jean Pierre: The next dish we are going to prepare together is called 'Roasted Dragon Wings'. Oh, don't give me that look! Of course you don't have to bring a whole dragon up here. ...
  • Jean Pierre: The 'dragon' part derives from the fiery afterburn of this meal, but the wings we use are much smaller, though similar in shape. Bring me the following ingredients and I'll show you how it's done. ...
  • Jean Pierre: One fresh dead bat, three jalapeño peppers, five brown breads, two eggs, one powder herb and five red mushrooms.

Musimy przynieść:

Dead Bat.gif Dead BatRed Mushroom.gif 5 Red MushroomBrown Bread.gif 5 Brown BreadJalapeño Pepper.gif 3 Jalapeño PepperEgg.gif 2 EggPowder Herb.gif Powder Herb

  • Gracz: roasted dragon wings
  • Jean Pierre: Did you gather all necessary ingredients to prepare Roasted Dragon Wings with me?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Jean Pierre: Let's get started! <starts grinding and chopping at amazing speed> The trick with this one is the crunchy crust around the wings. ...
  • Jean Pierre: First, we grate the dry brown bread into very small crumbs and mix that with the two eggs. Add grinded peppers for the spicy taste and the powder herb for a hint of curry flavour. ...
  • Jean Pierre: Carefully separate the bat wings, clean them of any possible hairs and coat them in our mixture. Roast them in a pan together with sliced mushrooms and serve. ...
  • Jean Pierre: Voilà, we're done! This recipe is from the area around Thais and should help you protect yourself in your battles. Enjoy!

Dostajemy danie które będzie wspomagało naszą obronę.
Przepis ten pochodzi z okolic Thais.