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Biblioteka jest umiejscowiona w górnych częściach miasta, nad sklepem magicznym Etzel'a i Sigurd'a.

Umiejscowienie książek



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By Himhor

Within this obscure essay lies a remarkable study of a dwarf who poses as a ghoul to view what life is like from the Ghoulish point of view. A particular emphasis of the work is the fascinating ghoulish healing habits, which the author presumes to be, unlike many warriors thinks nowadays, an effective romantic ritual which ghouls aims to the creatures they do found appealing somehow.

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Dwarven guide to warfare
Lesson VI

Luring elves with carrots has proven to be an ineffective tactic.






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Technomacers, heretics or geniusses?


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Hammerfalls tales of 1001 wife


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Extended Vision
Most dwarves have a excellent eyesight even in dark enviroments but this spell will one day allow you to see nearly twice as far as you currently do. What's needed is the fire of a fire element, the head of a ghoul,the essence of a red royal blossom, some water from Blood Bay and the laugh of a mute sinner. Light a fire with the flame of the fire element. Pour the water from Blood Bay into a cauldronand place it over the fire. Throw in the head of the ghoul and the essence of the red royal Blossom and mix it untill a grey myst emerges. Take some of the potion and mix it with the laugh while cooling it. Now we only need to find out the missing catalysts and the magic words to imbue it with energy.


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The elves are able to manipulate their unborn children by some kind of dream magic. This magic changes appearance and personality slightly, allowing elven parents to give birth to 'wish-kids'. In their shared dreams the elven parents seem to sculpture their child like a piece of art. Though most of the dream magic of the past is long forgotten, this rudimentary magic seems to be natural to the elves. It is possible to 'choose' things like hair or eye color and even gender. Even slight changes of the physique are possible, though considerable changes take place in the span of generations. Wise men assume this ability was a 'gift' of the gods to make more adaptable tools for the elves' war. But the mentality of the elves did not allow them to form their children in a 'convenient' way. Since most of this magic is instinctual, they form their children in an aesthetic way. On the other hand, what is seen as aesthetic is based on the philosophy of the parents and so their background changes this view dramatically. This is even more evident in the castes that were separated in the war.


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As intensely as the orcs hate all other races, they share a feeling of community. The orcs can sense, to some extent, the feelings of other orcs. The shamans develop this ability to such an extent, that they can sense the innermost potential of newborn orc whelps. All newborn are tested and the shamans decide a future function in orcish society. The whelps are fed differently, raised differently, and educated differently. Wise men of other races say that such behavior is similar to some insects, such as bees, and through their empathetic bond might share a kind of 'hive-mind', so they refer to orc communities as hives. The chief of a hive owns a big harem of women who have no other function than to pleasure him and give birth to new orcs. These orcish matrons are usually incredibly big and fat, almost not able to walk on their own. Where 'normal' orcwomen function as laborer and craftwomen and give birth to two to three orcs in their lives, these female orcs are only reproductive machinery, giving birth to about six whelps each half year. Orcs are usually contend with their place in orcish society and only the leaders fight each other on purpose. Rarely will an orc raise a weapon against another orc, even if they are not of the same hive. Rivalry between hives is usually dissolved through a fight of their leaders and the victorious hive absorbs the other one. Now and then, when a new strong warrior reaches maturity he challenges the old leader for a fight of supremacy. Sometimes though, when the hive becomes too big for the area it occupies, such a warrior senses somehow that its time to move on. Then he and a few other orcs leave the hive in peace to settle somewhere else. This unique culture, together with its fertility, makes the orcs the most formidable threat to all other tibian communities.


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Introduction of the War of Welcome

The War of Welcome took place near the southern bridge, that the humans call 'the dwarf bridge'. The southern territory was once inhabited by a mighty orcish tribe and the few dwarves brave enough to stick around the mountain were constantly being hasseled by these orcish people and some were enslaved by the vile orcs! To the Northwest lie Carlin, a place inhabited by humans who struggled for survival on their own and could not help the dwarves in this matter either. As time went by the dwarves who called for war against the orcis raiders grew in number and voice. They felt they had a right to reatake these lands from the orcish invaders.


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The art of peace


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The great book of firemagic

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The great book of earthmagic


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Dwarven report VII
Enemy magic

Our elemantarists have successfully unrevealed the the secrets of what is called "dream magic". It is a subconscious way of influencing the surroundings. It is mainly used by elven parents that want to shape their unborn child, but, this is the far more important threat, some elves, especially those called "Teshial" posess the ability to wander some kind of "dream realm" instead of the real world. This gives them the oppurtunity to appear somewhere out of the blue, but, fortunately, the Teshial never used this skill to ambush, and the other elves posess only small remnants of this magic.
Never the less, the 2nd earthen chamber is evolving a counter spell for that, that increases the elemental signature of beings near, forcing them into the real realm.

The other kinds of their magics are limited to protective and growing spells, which yet do not prove any harm, but are very supportive for their strife. It is rumored that they have also a lot of illusionary and concealing spells, but investigations here have not yet led to final results, as well as we can only deny the existance of aggressive magic by an elven race od caste od unknown origin.

For further information refer to sub-report AX-27.


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Dwarven report XII
Enemy territory and settlements

Our scouts recently discovered a great number of elven hideouts within the "deeper woodlands". They also have a great city, comparable to a capital, there, which is called Ab'Dendriel, and is mainly inhabitated by Deraisim and Cenath. The defenses are rather weak, and it seems like a lot of nomads and wanderers pass through the region.

We also found ruins within the hidden mystic valley, the structure of the buildings is typically elven. The ruins seem to be the result of a harsh thunderstorm of magic, but it was too long ago for us to find closer traces.

More interesting should be the fact, that the volcanic regions beyond the thundery mountains seem to be colonised by the elves as well. There dwells a race called Kuridai, and they seem to be the most aggressive and militant elves we encountered yet.

Suggestions about possible assault targets if war will be at hand are envoiced in sub-report EY-01.


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You read in big red letters: <TOP SECRET! ONLY FOR YOUR EYES!>
Dwarfish Beer ingredients and brewing

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Dwarven Magic I
By Marokin

Most of the other races look down upon the Dwarves because we seem to lack in magical abilites. What they don't understand is that our best mages concentrate on the magic of earth and fire, the give and take. They come up with some magic that might give us the upper hand. In theese books I will reveal some of their findings.

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Dwarven guide to warfare
Lesson II

Never wash yourself before combat - it will only lower your natural protection!


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Author: John Barrel
Once upon a time there came a horrible snakelike beeing to the deeper mines. It killed many miners, because that 'snake' was a bassilsk horrible beeing with a gaze that could turn living beeings into stone. Many heroes tried to kill it but none suceeded, some fled, most died. One day a wise man which name is forgotten. (I did many studies but i looks like for some reason none wrote down his name) He had some knowledge about theese horrible creatures. He advised the miners to cover the minewalls with torches and lamps. Scared by the dispised bright light the basilisk retreated deeper and deeper into the mines until the mines managed to create a cave in behind him. If the miners I talked to did not make fun of me we have to assume that the bassilsk is still there..."

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Dwarven Magic II
By Marokin
This spell will one day allow any dwarf that may not be a good swimmer the ability to almost walk on water. What we found out you would probably need are the remains of a slain stone golem, the branch of a willow, the wing of a wasp, and a flask full of slime. Pour the slime into a cold cauldron and add in the other ingrediants into the cauldron and boil it. This seems to be the base of a powerful potion, though the finalization and the spells needed to enchant it are still a riddle to be solved.




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The Prisonisle

Most of the rebelious dwarves who betrayed us and allied themselves with the cyclopses and some dishonorfull human knights were prosecuted and thrown in jail on the prisonisle Dwacatra. They now have to live or fight the captured Minotaurs, Orcs, and Cyclopses they seem to like that much. Justice is served.


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You only mine twice

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Golden mine

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The mine never dies

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The mine is not enough




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Dwarven guide to warfare
Lesson III

Dragon scales make up for good armor and protection. Unless the dragon is still alive!


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(most pages of that book are unreadable, stained with blood and parts are burned)
Horrible screams ..blinding light....pain...happening???....No one ....The light visibility....Farewell...

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Dwarven guide to warfare
Lesson V

Boats are malevolent.




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The elves are able to manipulate their unborn children by some kind of dream magic. This magic changes appearance and personality slightly, allowing elven parents to give birth to 'wish-kids'. In their shared dreams the elven parents seem to sculpture their child like a piece of art. Though most of the dream magic of the past is long forgotten, this rudimentary magic seems to be natural to the elves. It is possible to 'choose' things like hair or eye color and even gender. Even slight changes of the physique are possible, though considerable changes take place in the span of generations. Wise men assume this ability was a 'gift' of the gods to make more adaptable tools for the elves' war. But the mentality of the elves did not allow them to form their children in a 'convenient' way. Since most of this magic is instinctual, they form their children in an aesthetic way. On the other hand, what is seen as aesthetic is based on the philosophy of the parents and so their background changes this view dramatically. This is even more evident in the castes that were separated in the war.


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War of Welcome Begins
It happened suddenly one morning. A group of Dwarves were passing by the Orc territory outside their mountain. They were on their way to Thais to sell off some of their jewels of the mountain. The orcs tried to ambush them but falied. The dwarves reacted quick and by valor and superior equipment defeated the raiders. This ensued the War of Welcome. After this incident the dwarves who claimed that the time had come to stand up for their beliefs and their treasure got the proof they needed to convince their brethren and sisters of their cause. The orcs would not retreat though and prepared themselfes for war. After a year of battle the orcs were finaly crushed and the tribe scattered. The dwarves now again claimed dominance over the heart of the continent and all the land that 'where under the shadow of the big old one'. The humans of the thaian kingdom became allys to the dwarfen empires soon after theese wars and trade flourished.


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To give and to take storys about earth and fire


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From a hole to a mine
A step by step guide to mining


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Mining made easy

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Mining for dummys and elves


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Miners Journal (title)

We've dug that deep, that even we dwarves can hardly see. Fruzek told us stories of a monster making odd sounds from below the earth.These frightening tales of the basilisk have halted our mining schedule, forcing us to double the guards protecting the miners.

A Tired Miner


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The Brighteyes Legend
By: Damius Weirgroth

Long ago, long before the lands of Tibia were known by this name a dwarven fellowship was founded, holding a destiny of fame, power and tragedy. These Individuals were known as the brighteye fellowship. Those who crossed them or did something to anger them never saw the light of day. It is said when enraged these dwarve's eyes grew in light that could be seen a towns distance away and they went into a bezerk frenzy killing all that opposed them. Loosing all control and compassion in that frenzy they became unbearable even to the fellowsships of the savage axes and the dragoneaters. So after great debates between the fellowships they left Kazordoon and the big old one for unknown new lands. Though some setteled at remote spots on the continent the trail of the others was lost. They are considered the lost fellowship in theese days and no britghteye was born since then in the halls of Kazordoon.




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Create Beer
No Dwarf can resist a good mug of Jimbin's beer and this spell will one day allow you to create such beer with a few simple ingredients. Collect the hair of a troll, a mushroom of any sort, a small amount of soul from the mad mage valley, some water from around the mad mage valley and the silence befire dawn. Place the ingredients into a flask of the mad mage valley water, cork it and boil it. Remove the cork and pour a small amount of the potion into a cup and shake it. Now we have to find out how to bring in the silence gefore dawn in an appropriate way. You should then have a full cup of beer if all works as calculated so far. We estimate one potion should be a weeks suply of beer if you minimize your drinking to 7 mugs a day.
(Oh, and don't tell jimbin about this spell)

Those are the findings. It was also found that the water that flows by the mad mage valley is quite magical. One of our mages suggested that it is the "soul of the sea".


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Miner's Entry

What it was I cannot say! But its horrible! Horrible! We heard rumors of such things before but we just ignored them ...Im the only survivor ..that...THING...they couldn't move...they were helpless...oh why ...what....what is that..something is feet....stone...


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Tousand ways to cook rotworm meat




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Human Tongue (title)

Speaking it. (short text)

by Dnobagev

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Elven Tongue (title)

Cooking it. (short text)

by Dnobagev

