Skocz do: Nawigacja, szukaj
Statystyki Loota

Tibia 8.5.4


Poniżej przedstawiam spis większości rzeczy, jakie wypadają z potworów. "Większości", ponieważ przy robieniu tego spisu korzystam z kanału Server Log, jaki został udostępniony w wersji Tibii 8.5.0, a niektóre przedmioty w języku angielskim są niepoliczalne, jak na przykład "meat", przez co kilka przedmiotów w ogóle nie jest wziętych pod uwagę (ich spis znajduje się na końcu).

Proszę nie edytować spisu - całość jest generowana automatycznie, więc żadne wprowadzone zmiany nie wpłyną na dalsze edycje, a w razie jakichś uwag - proszę pisać w dyskusji.

Krótko w liczbach o najnowszej aktualizacji

W obecnej wersji statystyk liczba różnych potworów, jakie można tutaj zobaczyć wynosi 210.

Łącznie zabitych potworów ujętych w statystykach jest 39151.

Ze wszystkich potworów wypadło łącznie 38621 przedmiotów (a do tego 1985875 złota).

Korzystanie ze statystyk

Aby zobaczyć wyniki - najedź myszką nad interesujący Cię przedmiot, a statystyka wypadania z danego potwora pojawi się w chmurce. W nawiasie znajduje się wartość określająca "pewność" podanego wyniku - im jest ona bliższa 100, tym pewniejszy jest wyświetlony wynik.

Wszystkie dane zostały umieszczone w tabeli, której tło jest różne w zależności od tego, jak dużo potworów danego rodzaju zostało ujętych w statystyce. Poniżej przedstawiam spis zakresów oraz odpowiadające im kolory:

- 1-99 -> biały

- 100-999 -> czerwony

- 1000-10000 -> zółty

- >10000 -> zielony

Na statystyki z pierwszego przedziału praktycznie nie ma po co patrzeć. Drugi przedział jest pewniejszy, ale tylko dla częściej wypadających przedmiotów. Tak naprawdę, to dopiero dla żółtego tła wyniki będą zadowalające. No a celem prowadzenia tych statystyk jest uzyskanie koloru zielonego dla wszystkich potworów.

Sposób obliczania "pewności"

Sposób obliczania prawdziwości wyniku robię w sposób nietypowy:

- Najpierw obliczam wartość, jaka wychodzi obecnie

- Następnie obliczam wartość, jaka by wyszła w przypadku, gdyby z kolejnych 3 potworów wypadła maksymalna możliwa ilość danego przedmiotu

- Wartość (umownie określmy ją przez P(x) ), o jaką zwiększy się wynik można wyrazić w procentach.

- "Pewność" wyniku to wynik odejmowania 100%-P(x)

Powyższy sposób dotyczy wartości do 99% włącznie. Aby wynik można było uznać za w 100% poprawny, musi przejść bardziej restrykcyjne "testy" - zamiast 3 zakłada się, że w 5 najbliższych potworach wylootuje się maksymalną możliwą ilość danego przedmiotu. Jeśli nadal P(x) będzie wychodzić 0% (przy zaokrągleniu do liczb całkowitych), wtedy pewność takiego doświadczenia wynosić będzie 100%.

Ty też możesz pomóc

Sam posiadam w grze bardzo słabą postać (Demon Skeleton to póki co mój rekord), więc informacje do tego spisu czerpię z innego źródła - z filmów z rozszerzeniem ".cam", konkretnie ze strony TibiaCAM oraz ze strony BynaCam. Twoja pomoc miałaby polegać na tym, abyś polował na potwory (przy włączonym nagrywaniu), których liczba zabić w spisie jest niewielka, a następnie byś zamieścił utworzony plik na jednej ze wspomnianych witryn.

Jednak w przypadku słabszych potworów taki sposób mógłby być nieco zawodny (nikt nie zamieści przecież kilkudziesięciominutowego filmiku z zabijania szczurów w kanałach). W takim przypadku proszę o wysłanie plików na adres [email protected] w wiadomościach o temacie "CAM" - żebym wiedział, że to nie jest żaden spam :] No i proszę nie wrzucać plików do archiwum - pobieram tylko pliki z rozszerzeniem ".cam" (a tak po prawdzie to wolałbym ściągać wszystkie filmy z poczty - znacznie lepsza przepustowość. To tak, jakby ktoś się zastanawiał, gdzie lepiej zamieścić ;) )

No i prośba już do samej treści filmów: Dowolna długość, dowolna siła potworów (może to być polowanie na kurczaki), ale bardzo proszę nie łączyć nagrań w jeden plik Cam - bardzo przeszkadza przy sczytywaniu logów ;)

Proszę także o swego rodzaju "cierpliwość" - z moim czasem jest różnie, więc może się zdarzyć, że minie kilka tygodni, nim dany film zostanie "wciągnięty" do statystyk.

Dotąd występował problem programu do nagrywania filmów - TibiaCam jest płatnym programem. Jednak od jakiegoś czasu facet o nicku Beziak pracuje nad własnym (i co kluczowe - darmowym) projektem do nagrywania filmów - to jest właśnie BynaCam. Tak więc nie masz żadnego "ale" - bierz, nagrywaj i przysyłaj, żeby ten spis był jak najlepszy :)

I jeszcze odrobina prywaty :P Serdeczne podziękowania dla Beziaka za pomoc przy plikach .cam :)


Poniżej przedstawiony jest spis potworów (wg Doświadczenia), dla których obliczono statystyki:

Potwory Loot

Cockroach - 72 kills

Cockroach Leg - 1.00 / Monster (96%)

Chicken - 2 kills

Rabbit - 109 kills

Carrot - 1 / 6.41 Monsters (82%)

Squirrel - 7 kills

Acorn - 0.43 / Monster (0%)

Wisp - 8 kills

Penguin - 11 kills

Rat - 184 kills

Gold Coin - 1.78 / Monster (96%) ⇒ Max: 4 Cheese - 0.40 / Monster (96%)

Bat - 120 kills

Bat Wing - 1 / 120.00 Monsters (0%)

Cave Rat - 45 kills
Cave Rat

Gold Coin - 1.02 / Monster (87%) ⇒ Max: 2 Cheese - 0.27 / Monster (75%) Worm - 1 / 11.25 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2

Spider - 151 kills

Gold Coin - 0.97 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 5 Spider Fangs - 1 / 75.50 Monsters (0%)

Wolf - 111 kills

Bug - 74 kills

Gold Coin - 0.88 / Monster (72%) ⇒ Max: 6 Cherry - 1 / 14.80 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3

Winter Wolf - 38 kills
Winter Wolf

Winter Wolf Fur - 1 / 12.67 Monsters (0%)

Sandcrawler - 23 kills

Gold Coin - 1.91 / Monster (59%) ⇒ Max: 6

Troll - 86 kills

Gold Coin - 3.84 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 12 Hand Axe - 1 / 6.14 Monsters (79%) Leather Helmet - 1 / 6.14 Monsters (79%) Spear - 1 / 7.82 Monsters (73%) Wooden Shield - 1 / 10.75 Monsters (62%) Leather Boots - 1 / 10.75 Monsters (62%) Rope - 1 / 14.33 Monsters (50%) Studded Club - 1 / 21.50 Monsters (25%) Bunch of Troll Hair - 1 / 86.00 Monsters (0%)

Hyaena - 7 kills

Worm - 0.71 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2

Spit Nettle - 21 kills
Spit Nettle

Gold Coin - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Shadow Herb - 1 / 21.00 Monsters (0%) Sling Herb - 1 / 21.00 Monsters (0%)

Poison Spider - 232 kills
Poison Spider

Gold Coin - 0.31 / Monster (83%) ⇒ Max: 4

Frost Troll - 121 kills
Frost Troll

Gold Coin - 2.50 / Monster (88%) ⇒ Max: 12 Fish - 1 / 4.03 Monsters (90%) Spear - 1 / 5.26 Monsters (87%) Wooden Shield - 1 / 6.05 Monsters (85%) Rapier - 1 / 7.56 Monsters (81%) Coat - 1 / 15.13 Monsters (62%) Twigs - 1 / 24.20 Monsters (40%)

Bear - 49 kills

Wasp - 5 kills

Goblin - 30 kills

Gold Coin - 3.00 / Monster (70%) ⇒ Max: 9 Small Stone - 1 / 7.50 Monsters (25%) Bone Club - 1 / 7.50 Monsters (25%) Dagger - 1 / 7.50 Monsters (25%) Fish - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Short Sword - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Bone - 1 / 15.00 Monsters (0%) Moldy Cheese - 1 / 15.00 Monsters (0%) Leather Helmet - 1 / 15.00 Monsters (0%) Leather Armor - 1 / 15.00 Monsters (0%) Small Axe - 1 / 30.00 Monsters (0%)

Swamp Troll - 44 kills
Swamp Troll

Gold Coin - 1.73 / Monster (21%) ⇒ Max: 20 Fish - 0.59 / Monster (88%) Torch - 1 / 4.40 Monsters (70%) Spear - 1 / 11.00 Monsters (25%) Leather Boots - 1 / 14.67 Monsters (0%) Troll Green - 1 / 44.00 Monsters (0%)

Orc - 53 kills

Gold Coin - 4.51 / Monster (75%) ⇒ Max: 20 Studded Shield - 0.28 / Monster (80%) Studded Armor - 1 / 6.63 Monsters (62%) Studded Helmet - 1 / 13.25 Monsters (25%) Axe - 1 / 17.67 Monsters (0%) Sabre - 1 / 26.50 Monsters (0%)

Polar Bear - 9 kills
Polar Bear

Crab - 2 kills

Gold Coin - 4.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 6 Fish - 0.50 / Monster (0%)

Cobra - 184 kills

Cobra Tongue - 1 / 92.00 Monsters (0%)

Lion - 44 kills

Centipede - 25 kills

Gold Coin - 7.16 / Monster (75%) ⇒ Max: 15 Centipede Leg - 1 / 4.17 Monsters (50%)

Skeleton - 182 kills

Gold Coin - 2.14 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 10 Torch - 0.46 / Monster (96%) Bone - 0.45 / Monster (96%) Hatchet - 1 / 4.14 Monsters (93%) Mace - 1 / 6.50 Monsters (89%) Brass Shield - 1 / 10.11 Monsters (83%) Viking Helmet - 1 / 10.71 Monsters (82%) Sword - 1 / 36.40 Monsters (40%)

Crazed Beggar - 4 kills
Crazed Beggar

Gold Coin - 5.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 8 Dirty Cape - 0.75 / Monster (0%) Roll - 0.25 / Monster (0%)

Goblin Scavenger - 6 kills
Goblin Scavenger

Gold Coin - 2.17 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 8 Dagger - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Bone - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Fish - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Leather Helmet - 1 / 6.00 Monsters (0%) Leather Armor - 1 / 6.00 Monsters (0%)

Orc Spearman - 299 kills
Orc Spearman

Gold Coin - 1.56 / Monster (93%) ⇒ Max: 11 Spear - 1 / 4.75 Monsters (95%) Machete - 1 / 10.68 Monsters (89%) Studded Helmet - 1 / 11.50 Monsters (88%) Dirty Fur - 1 / 13.59 Monsters (86%) Studded Legs - 1 / 13.59 Monsters (86%) Orc Tooth - 1 / 299.00 Monsters (0%)

Rotworm - 504 kills

Gold Coin - 4.03 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 16 Lump of Dirt - 1 / 10.72 Monsters (94%) Worm - 1 / 12.29 Monsters (78%) ⇒ Max: 3 Mace - 1 / 25.20 Monsters (85%) Sword - 1 / 38.77 Monsters (77%)

Troll Champion - 1 kills
Troll Champion

Gold Coin - 2.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2

Tiger - 10 kills

Crocodile - 15 kills

Gold Coin - 2.07 / Monster (3%) ⇒ Max: 10 Piece of Crocodile Leather - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%)

Elf - 65 kills

Gold Coin - 5.83 / Monster (76%) ⇒ Max: 30 Plum - 0.26 / Monster (65%) ⇒ Max: 2 Studded Helmet - 1 / 6.50 Monsters (70%) Leather Boots - 1 / 7.22 Monsters (67%) Arrow - 1 / 9.29 Monsters (14%) ⇒ Max: 2 Longsword - 1 / 16.25 Monsters (25%) Studded Armor - 1 / 16.25 Monsters (25%) Plate Shield - 1 / 32.50 Monsters (0%) Heaven Blossom - 1 / 32.50 Monsters (0%)

Larva - 13 kills

Gold Coin - 0.92 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 12

Scorpion - 276 kills

Scorpion Tail - 1 / 16.24 Monsters (82%)

Skeleton Warrior - 49 kills
Skeleton Warrior

Gold Coin - 2.96 / Monster (79%) ⇒ Max: 10 Bone - 0.53 / Monster (88%) White Mushroom - 1 / 4.45 Monsters (73%) Mace - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (57%) Sword - 1 / 24.50 Monsters (0%)

Dwarf - 187 kills

Gold Coin - 1.21 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 8 White Mushroom - 0.55 / Monster (97%) Hatchet - 0.27 / Monster (94%) Leather Legs - 1 / 7.79 Monsters (88%) Axe - 1 / 7.79 Monsters (88%) Pick - 1 / 9.84 Monsters (84%) Copper Shield - 1 / 11.00 Monsters (82%) Letter - 1 / 13.36 Monsters (79%) Studded Armor - 1 / 26.71 Monsters (57%) Iron Ore - 1 / 187.00 Monsters (0%)

Smuggler - 1 kills

Leather Legs - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Knife - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Minotaur - 266 kills

Gold Coin - 4.89 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 24 Plate Shield - 1 / 5.91 Monsters (93%) Mace - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (92%) Chain Armor - 1 / 8.31 Monsters (91%) Leather Legs - 1 / 8.87 Monsters (90%) Sword - 1 / 11.57 Monsters (87%) Brass Helmet - 1 / 13.30 Monsters (85%) Axe - 1 / 22.17 Monsters (75%) Chain Helmet - 1 / 24.18 Monsters (73%) Shovel - 1 / 33.25 Monsters (62%) Minotaur Leather - 1 / 133.00 Monsters (0%)

Orc Warrior - 620 kills
Orc Warrior

Gold Coin - 5.30 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 15 Chain Armor - 0.52 / Monster (99%) Wooden Shield - 1 / 5.49 Monsters (97%) Chain Armor - 1 / 12.92 Monsters (94%) Bottle - 1 / 14.42 Monsters (93%) Orc Tooth - 1 / 68.89 Monsters (67%) Copper Shield - 1 / 206.67 Monsters (0%)

Goblin Assassin - 3 kills
Goblin Assassin

Gold Coin - 1.33 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Small Axe - 0.67 / Monster (0%) Bone - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Fish - 0.33 / Monster (0%)

War Wolf - 590 kills
War Wolf

Warwolf Fur - 1 / 295.00 Monsters (0%)

Amazon - 21 kills

Gold Coin - 4.24 / Monster (33%) ⇒ Max: 20 Skull - 0.86 / Monster (67%) ⇒ Max: 2 Dagger - 0.76 / Monster (81%) Brown Bread - 0.43 / Monster (67%) Leather Armor - 0.38 / Monster (62%) Sabre - 0.33 / Monster (57%) Torch - 1 / 21.00 Monsters (0%) Studded Shield - 1 / 21.00 Monsters (0%)

Wild Warrior - 147 kills
Wild Warrior

Gold Coin - 4.54 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 25 Axe - 0.30 / Monster (93%) Brass Shield - 1 / 5.07 Monsters (90%) Leather Legs - 1 / 5.88 Monsters (88%) Egg - 1 / 7.35 Monsters (70%) ⇒ Max: 2 Mace - 1 / 8.65 Monsters (82%) Chain Helmet - 1 / 18.38 Monsters (62%) Steel Shield - 1 / 73.50 Monsters (0%) Brass Armor - 1 / 73.50 Monsters (0%) Doll - 1 / 147.00 Monsters (0%) Iron Helmet - 1 / 147.00 Monsters (0%)

Nomad - 5 kills

Gold Coin - 9.40 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 19 Brass Shield - 0.40 / Monster (0%) Chain Helmet - 0.40 / Monster (0%) Leather Legs - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%)

Gnarlhound - 34 kills

Worm - 0.94 / Monster (72%) ⇒ Max: 3 Shaggy Tail - 1 / 4.86 Monsters (57%)

Minotaur Archer - 95 kills
Minotaur Archer

Bolt - 6.56 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 20 Gold Coin - 5.51 / Monster (86%) ⇒ Max: 24 Piercing Bolt - 0.41 / Monster (69%) ⇒ Max: 4 Crossbow - 1 / 15.83 Monsters (50%) Leather Legs - 1 / 19.00 Monsters (40%) Brass Armor - 1 / 23.75 Monsters (25%) Leather Helmet - 1 / 23.75 Monsters (25%) Minotaur Leather - 1 / 31.67 Monsters (0%) Scale Armor - 1 / 95.00 Monsters (0%) Soldier Helmet - 1 / 95.00 Monsters (0%)

Bandit - 3 kills

Gold Coin - 13.33 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 19 Tomato - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Axe - 0.33 / Monster (0%)

Poacher - 4 kills

Arrow - 3.75 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 8 Torch - 0.25 / Monster (0%)

Dwarf Soldier - 175 kills
Dwarf Soldier

Gold Coin - 2.04 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 12 Bolt - 1.15 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 7 White Mushroom - 0.60 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 2 Soldier Helmet - 1 / 9.21 Monsters (84%) Shovel - 1 / 10.94 Monsters (81%) Chain Armor - 1 / 13.46 Monsters (77%) Piercing Bolt - 1 / 15.91 Monsters (18%) ⇒ Max: 3 Battle Axe - 1 / 21.88 Monsters (62%) Crossbow - 1 / 29.17 Monsters (50%)

Carrion Worm - 11 kills
Carrion Worm

Gold Coin - 3.27 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 17 Carrion Worm Fang - 1 / 5.50 Monsters (0%)

Elf Scout - 27 kills
Elf Scout

Gold Coin - 7.96 / Monster (65%) ⇒ Max: 25 Arrow - 1.26 / Monster (12%) ⇒ Max: 10 Poison Arrow - 0.33 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Waterskin - 1 / 9.00 Monsters (0%) Sandals - 1 / 9.00 Monsters (0%) Grapes - 1 / 13.50 Monsters (0%) Longsword - 1 / 13.50 Monsters (0%) Elvish Talisman - 1 / 27.00 Monsters (0%)

Ghoul - 264 kills

Gold Coin - 5.59 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 30 Torch - 0.35 / Monster (97%) Rotten Piece of Cloth - 1 / 8.00 Monsters (91%) Knife - 1 / 9.10 Monsters (90%) Worm - 1 / 16.50 Monsters (63%) ⇒ Max: 2 Viking Helmet - 1 / 29.33 Monsters (67%) Scale Armor - 1 / 66.00 Monsters (25%) Skull - 1 / 88.00 Monsters (0%)

Pirate Skeleton - 1 kills
Pirate Skeleton

Gold Coin - 5.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 5

Valkyrie - 6 kills

Gold Coin - 2.17 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 7 Skull - 1.33 / Monster (25%) ⇒ Max: 2 Spear - 0.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Chain Armor - 0.33 / Monster (0%)

Gazer - 1 kills

Stalker - 283 kills

Gold Coin - 0.71 / Monster (88%) ⇒ Max: 8 Throwing Knife - 1 / 6.43 Monsters (86%) ⇒ Max: 2 Brass Shield - 1 / 12.86 Monsters (86%) Leather Legs - 1 / 13.48 Monsters (86%) Blank Rune - 1 / 14.89 Monsters (84%) Backpack - 1 / 14.89 Monsters (84%) Katana - 1 / 20.21 Monsters (79%) Brass Legs - 1 / 31.44 Monsters (67%) Obsidian Lance - 1 / 70.75 Monsters (25%)

Gladiator - 1 kills

Gold Coin - 15.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 15 Mace - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Damaged Worker Golem - 25 kills
Damaged Worker Golem

Gold Coin - 19.64 / Monster (60%) ⇒ Max: 65 Rusty Armor - 1 / 12.50 Monsters (0%)

Quara Mantassin Scout - 29 kills
Quara Mantassin Scout

Gold Coin - 7.66 / Monster (61%) ⇒ Max: 29 Skull - 1 / 29.00 Monsters (0%) Chain Armor - 1 / 29.00 Monsters (0%)

Dark Apprentice - 56 kills
Dark Apprentice

Gold Coin - 15.21 / Monster (84%) ⇒ Max: 45 Blank Rune - 1 / 4.67 Monsters (25%) ⇒ Max: 3 Health Potion - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%) Dead Frog - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%) Wand of Dragonbreath - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%) Mana Potion - 1 / 56.00 Monsters (0%)

Novice of the Cult - 44 kills
Novice of the Cult

Gold Coin - 4.77 / Monster (74%) ⇒ Max: 18 Mace - 1 / 22.00 Monsters (0%) Wand of Vortex - 1 / 44.00 Monsters (0%)

Sibang - 26 kills

Gold Coin - 10.23 / Monster (70%) ⇒ Max: 27 Banana - 0.73 / Monster (68%) ⇒ Max: 2 Small Stone - 0.62 / Monster (44%) ⇒ Max: 3 Orange - 0.58 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 5 Chain Helmet - 1 / 26.00 Monsters (0%) Ape Fur - 1 / 26.00 Monsters (0%)

Orc Shaman - 96 kills
Orc Shaman

Gold Coin - 2.85 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 5 Corncob - 1 / 4.57 Monsters (71%) ⇒ Max: 2 Spear - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (62%) Staff - 1 / 13.71 Monsters (57%) Small Grey Book - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (50%) Chain Armor - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (50%) Chain Helmet - 1 / 24.00 Monsters (25%) Wand of Decay - 1 / 48.00 Monsters (0%) Orc Tooth - 1 / 48.00 Monsters (0%)

Orc Rider - 411 kills
Orc Rider

Gold Coin - 2.91 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 10 Backpack - 0.27 / Monster (97%) Orcish Axe - 1 / 7.47 Monsters (95%) Warwolf Fur - 1 / 9.34 Monsters (93%) Torch - 1 / 9.56 Monsters (93%) Wolf Tooth Chain - 1 / 10.54 Monsters (92%) Orc Tooth - 1 / 68.50 Monsters (50%) Battle Shield - 1 / 137.00 Monsters (0%) Obsidian Lance - 1 / 205.50 Monsters (0%) Scale Armor - 1 / 411.00 Monsters (0%)

Fire Devil - 109 kills
Fire Devil

Pitchfork - 0.53 / Monster (95%) Torch - 1 / 4.95 Monsters (73%) ⇒ Max: 2 Blank Rune - 1 / 7.79 Monsters (79%) Cleaver - 1 / 9.08 Monsters (75%) Scimitar - 1 / 21.80 Monsters (40%) Double Axe - 1 / 54.50 Monsters (0%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 54.50 Monsters (0%) Necrotic Rod - 1 / 109.00 Monsters (0%)

Lizard Sentinel - 43 kills
Lizard Sentinel

Gold Coin - 15.91 / Monster (79%) ⇒ Max: 48 Chain Armor - 1 / 8.60 Monsters (40%) Scale Armor - 1 / 8.60 Monsters (40%) Hunting Spear - 1 / 21.50 Monsters (0%) Health Potion - 1 / 43.00 Monsters (0%) Spear - 1 / 43.00 Monsters (0%)

Kongra - 24 kills

Gold Coin - 13.04 / Monster (71%) ⇒ Max: 30 Banana - 0.83 / Monster (25%) ⇒ Max: 5 Plate Armor - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%) Ape Fur - 1 / 24.00 Monsters (0%)

Ghost - 294 kills

Shadow Herb - 1 / 8.40 Monsters (91%) Cape - 1 / 10.89 Monsters (89%) Morning Star - 1 / 11.31 Monsters (88%) Combat Knife - 1 / 21.00 Monsters (79%) White Piece of Cloth - 1 / 42.00 Monsters (57%) Ghostly Tissue - 1 / 49.00 Monsters (50%) Orange Book - 1 / 73.50 Monsters (25%) Stealth Ring - 1 / 98.00 Monsters (0%)

Tarantula - 156 kills

Gold Coin - 8.78 / Monster (91%) ⇒ Max: 39 Brass Legs - 1 / 13.00 Monsters (75%) Tarantula Egg - 1 / 13.00 Monsters (75%) Plate Shield - 1 / 78.00 Monsters (0%) Time Ring - 1 / 156.00 Monsters (0%)

Witch - 7 kills

Cookie - 1.57 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 5 Coat - 0.43 / Monster (0%) Sickle - 0.43 / Monster (0%) Cape - 0.43 / Monster (0%) Leather Boots - 0.29 / Monster (0%) Witch Broom - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (0%) Wolf Tooth Chain - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (0%)

Scarab - 2 kills

Gold Coin - 17.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 27

Merlkin - 21 kills

Gold Coin - 11.62 / Monster (67%) ⇒ Max: 27 Banana - 0.38 / Monster (25%) ⇒ Max: 2

Hunter - 46 kills

Arrow - 5.24 / Monster (80%) ⇒ Max: 16 Roll - 0.28 / Monster (54%) ⇒ Max: 2 Orange - 1 / 4.18 Monsters (45%) ⇒ Max: 2 Bow - 1 / 5.11 Monsters (67%) Poison Arrow - 1 / 6.57 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Torch - 1 / 7.67 Monsters (50%) Burst Arrow - 1 / 7.67 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Leather Legs - 1 / 7.67 Monsters (50%) Dragon Necklace - 1 / 11.50 Monsters (25%) Brass Armor - 1 / 11.50 Monsters (25%) Brass Helmet - 1 / 15.33 Monsters (0%)

Minotaur Mage - 16 kills
Minotaur Mage

Gold Coin - 12.50 / Monster (56%) ⇒ Max: 29 Carrot - 0.75 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 7 Torch - 0.69 / Monster (45%) ⇒ Max: 2 Leather Legs - 0.25 / Monster (25%) Leather Helmet - 1 / 5.33 Monsters (0%) Chain Legs - 1 / 8.00 Monsters (0%) Knife - 1 / 8.00 Monsters (0%) Brass Armor - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (0%)

Carniphila - 33 kills

Gold Coin - 12.15 / Monster (74%) ⇒ Max: 35 Shadow Herb - 1 / 33.00 Monsters (0%)

Mutated Human - 12 kills
Mutated Human

Gold Coin - 36.17 / Monster (38%) ⇒ Max: 90 Mutated Flesh - 0.33 / Monster (25%) Fishbone - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%) Cheese - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%) Sword - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%) Fern - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%)

Mummy - 97 kills

Gold Coin - 13.24 / Monster (82%) ⇒ Max: 79 Worm - 0.37 / Monster (75%) ⇒ Max: 3 Magic Light Wand - 1 / 6.47 Monsters (80%) Gauze Bandage - 1 / 8.82 Monsters (73%) Strange Talisman - 1 / 19.40 Monsters (40%) Short Sword - 1 / 24.25 Monsters (25%) Crystal Ring - 1 / 48.50 Monsters (0%) Yellow Piece of Cloth - 1 / 48.50 Monsters (0%) Silver Brooch - 1 / 48.50 Monsters (0%) Black Pearl - 1 / 48.50 Monsters (0%) Poison Dagger - 1 / 97.00 Monsters (0%)

Gargoyle - 94 kills

Gold Coin - 7.47 / Monster (87%) ⇒ Max: 30 Small Stone - 0.96 / Monster (67%) ⇒ Max: 10 Stone Wing - 1 / 7.83 Monsters (75%) Potato - 1 / 11.75 Monsters (25%) ⇒ Max: 2 Strawberry - 1 / 31.33 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Battle Shield - 1 / 47.00 Monsters (0%) Wolf Tooth Chain - 1 / 94.00 Monsters (0%)

Cyclops - 149 kills

Gold Coin - 11.73 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 44 Short Sword - 1 / 14.90 Monsters (70%) Cyclops Toe - 1 / 18.63 Monsters (62%) Plate Shield - 1 / 18.63 Monsters (62%) Battle Shield - 1 / 49.67 Monsters (0%)

Terror Bird - 7 kills
Terror Bird

Gold Coin - 6.29 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 20

Lizard Templar - 137 kills
Lizard Templar

Gold Coin - 18.48 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 51 Short Sword - 1 / 9.79 Monsters (79%) Sword - 1 / 17.13 Monsters (62%) Lizard Scale - 1 / 22.83 Monsters (50%) Morning Star - 1 / 45.67 Monsters (0%) Steel Helmet - 1 / 68.50 Monsters (0%) Plate Armor - 1 / 68.50 Monsters (0%) Lizard Leather - 1 / 137.00 Monsters (0%)

Minotaur Guard - 75 kills
Minotaur Guard

Gold Coin - 5.21 / Monster (85%) ⇒ Max: 20 Hatchet - 1 / 9.38 Monsters (63%) Leather Legs - 1 / 12.50 Monsters (50%) Fishing Rod - 1 / 18.75 Monsters (25%) Brass Armor - 1 / 25.00 Monsters (0%) Chain Armor - 1 / 37.50 Monsters (0%) Battle Shield - 1 / 37.50 Monsters (0%) Health Potion - 1 / 75.00 Monsters (0%) Chain Legs - 1 / 75.00 Monsters (0%)

Stone Golem - 153 kills
Stone Golem

Gold Coin - 0.35 / Monster (15%) ⇒ Max: 15 Small Stone - 1 / 9.56 Monsters (44%) ⇒ Max: 3 Sulphurous Stone - 1 / 15.30 Monsters (70%) Iron Ore - 1 / 38.25 Monsters (25%) Carlin Sword - 1 / 51.00 Monsters (0%) Power Ring - 1 / 76.50 Monsters (0%) Ancient Stone - 1 / 153.00 Monsters (0%)

Elephant - 6 kills

Mammoth - 18 kills

Gold Coin - 0.83 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 15 Mammoth Tusk - 1 / 6.00 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2

Dwarf Guard - 359 kills
Dwarf Guard

Gold Coin - 5.57 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 30 White Mushroom - 0.80 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 2 Leather Boots - 0.39 / Monster (98%) Scale Armor - 1 / 11.97 Monsters (90%) Battle Shield - 1 / 13.30 Monsters (89%) Battle Hammer - 1 / 71.80 Monsters (40%) Iron Ore - 1 / 89.75 Monsters (25%) Double Axe - 1 / 119.67 Monsters (0%) Steel Helmet - 1 / 179.50 Monsters (0%) Axe Ring - 1 / 359.00 Monsters (0%)

Beholder - 34 kills

Gold Coin - 21.03 / Monster (81%) ⇒ Max: 45 Longsword - 1 / 8.50 Monsters (25%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 17.00 Monsters (0%) Spellbook - 1 / 17.00 Monsters (0%) Morning Star - 1 / 17.00 Monsters (0%) Beholder Eye - 1 / 34.00 Monsters (0%)

Elf Arcanist - 3 kills
Elf Arcanist

Scroll - 0.67 / Monster (0%) Candlestick - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Bread - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Life Crystal - 0.33 / Monster (0%)

Gozzler - 117 kills

Gold Coin - 19.86 / Monster (91%) ⇒ Max: 67 Plate Shield - 1 / 10.64 Monsters (73%) Brown Flask - 1 / 11.70 Monsters (70%) Morning Star - 1 / 16.71 Monsters (57%) Battle Axe - 1 / 29.25 Monsters (25%) Sabre - 1 / 29.25 Monsters (25%) Clerical Mace - 1 / 117.00 Monsters (0%)

Dark Magician - 44 kills
Dark Magician

Gold Coin - 21.00 / Monster (82%) ⇒ Max: 55 Mana Potion - 1 / 4.40 Monsters (70%) Blank Rune - 1 / 6.29 Monsters (57%) Health Potion - 1 / 22.00 Monsters (0%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 22.00 Monsters (0%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 22.00 Monsters (0%)

Dragon Hatchling - 325 kills
Dragon Hatchling

Gold Coin - 3.54 / Monster (87%) ⇒ Max: 49

Orc Berserker - 191 kills
Orc Berserker

Gold Coin - 3.37 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 12 Chain Helmet - 1 / 9.55 Monsters (85%) Chain Armor - 1 / 10.05 Monsters (84%) Battle Axe - 1 / 15.92 Monsters (75%) Lamp - 1 / 19.10 Monsters (70%) Halberd - 1 / 19.10 Monsters (70%) Orc Tooth - 1 / 27.29 Monsters (57%) Hunting Spear - 1 / 38.20 Monsters (40%)

Crypt Shambler - 55 kills
Crypt Shambler

Gold Coin - 2.73 / Monster (30%) ⇒ Max: 35 Worm - 0.40 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 9 Egg - 1 / 55.00 Monsters (0%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 55.00 Monsters (0%)

Monk - 102 kills

Gold Coin - 1.35 / Monster (61%) ⇒ Max: 18 Bread - 1 / 4.43 Monsters (87%) Scroll - 1 / 5.10 Monsters (85%) Brown Flask - 1 / 7.29 Monsters (79%) Sandals - 1 / 7.85 Monsters (77%) Lamp - 1 / 14.57 Monsters (57%) Book of Prayers - 1 / 34.00 Monsters (0%) Staff - 1 / 51.00 Monsters (0%)

Cyclops Drone - 40 kills
Cyclops Drone

Gold Coin - 6.13 / Monster (76%) ⇒ Max: 20 Short Sword - 1 / 8.00 Monsters (40%) Cyclops Toe - 1 / 20.00 Monsters (0%) Plate Shield - 1 / 40.00 Monsters (0%)

Quara Constrictor Scout - 37 kills
Quara Constrictor Scout

Gold Coin - 10.59 / Monster (76%) ⇒ Max: 31 Brass Helmet - 1 / 7.40 Monsters (40%) Longsword - 1 / 18.50 Monsters (0%)

Orc Marauder - 406 kills
Orc Marauder

Gold Coin - 7.20 / Monster (91%) ⇒ Max: 85 Orcish Axe - 1 / 6.34 Monsters (95%) Shaggy Tail - 1 / 10.15 Monsters (93%) Bow - 1 / 20.30 Monsters (85%) Orc Tooth - 1 / 25.38 Monsters (81%) Crossbow - 1 / 67.67 Monsters (50%) Obsidian Lance - 1 / 203.00 Monsters (0%)

Mad Scientist - 1 kills
Mad Scientist

Mana Potion - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Lizard Snakecharmer - 55 kills
Lizard Snakecharmer

Gold Coin - 20.93 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 43 Cape - 1 / 7.86 Monsters (57%) Dead Snake - 1 / 13.75 Monsters (25%) Terra Rod - 1 / 55.00 Monsters (0%) Lizard Leather - 1 / 55.00 Monsters (0%)

Green Djinn - 395 kills
Green Djinn

Gold Coin - 34.82 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 113 Cheese - 1 / 4.34 Monsters (97%) Grave Flower - 1 / 9.88 Monsters (93%) Small Emerald - 1 / 15.80 Monsters (52%) ⇒ Max: 4 Royal Spear - 1 / 16.46 Monsters (75%) ⇒ Max: 2 Small Oil Lamp - 1 / 17.95 Monsters (86%) Green Book - 1 / 39.50 Monsters (70%) Green Piece of Cloth - 1 / 49.38 Monsters (63%) Mana Potion - 1 / 395.00 Monsters (0%)

Demon Skeleton - 330 kills
Demon Skeleton

Gold Coin - 8.61 / Monster (96%) ⇒ Max: 40 Torch - 0.48 / Monster (98%) Throwing Star - 1 / 4.40 Monsters (88%) ⇒ Max: 3 Battle Hammer - 1 / 25.38 Monsters (77%) Demonic Skeletal Hand - 1 / 33.00 Monsters (70%) Mana Potion - 1 / 55.00 Monsters (50%) Iron Helmet - 1 / 55.00 Monsters (50%) Battle Shield - 1 / 165.00 Monsters (0%) Guardian Shield - 1 / 330.00 Monsters (0%)

Quara Constrictor - 95 kills
Quara Constrictor

Gold Coin - 31.37 / Monster (91%) ⇒ Max: 87 Brass Helmet - 1 / 9.50 Monsters (70%) Short Sword - 1 / 23.75 Monsters (25%) Brass Armor - 1 / 23.75 Monsters (25%) Longsword - 1 / 31.67 Monsters (0%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 95.00 Monsters (0%)

Dreadbeast - 1 kills

Cyclops Smith - 47 kills
Cyclops Smith

Gold Coin - 22.34 / Monster (83%) ⇒ Max: 61 Battle Hammer - 1 / 9.40 Monsters (40%) Battle Axe - 1 / 11.75 Monsters (25%) Heavy Machete - 1 / 15.67 Monsters (0%) Cyclops Toe - 1 / 15.67 Monsters (0%) Battle Shield - 1 / 15.67 Monsters (0%) Plate Shield - 1 / 23.50 Monsters (0%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 47.00 Monsters (0%)

Orc Leader - 2 kills
Orc Leader

Throwing Knife - 1.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Plate Shield - 0.50 / Monster (0%)

Elder Beholder - 45 kills
Elder Beholder

Gold Coin - 38.24 / Monster (85%) ⇒ Max: 84 Sniper Arrow - 0.29 / Monster (8%) ⇒ Max: 4 Elder Beholder Tentacle - 1 / 11.25 Monsters (25%) Steel Shield - 1 / 22.50 Monsters (0%) Spellbook - 1 / 22.50 Monsters (0%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 22.50 Monsters (0%)

Zombie - 1 kills

Gold Coin - 42.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 42 Half-Eaten Brain - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Steel Helmet - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Ice Golem - 448 kills
Ice Golem

Gold Coin - 3.83 / Monster (91%) ⇒ Max: 52 Frosty Heart - 1 / 16.59 Monsters (89%) Ice Cube - 1 / 22.40 Monsters (85%) Black Pearl - 1 / 40.73 Monsters (73%) Strange Helmet - 1 / 149.33 Monsters (0%) Ice Rapier - 1 / 224.00 Monsters (0%) Shard - 1 / 224.00 Monsters (0%) Small Sapphire - 1 / 224.00 Monsters (0%) Glacier Mask - 1 / 224.00 Monsters (0%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 448.00 Monsters (0%) Crystal Sword - 1 / 448.00 Monsters (0%)

Death Blob - 37 kills
Death Blob

Glob of Tar - 1 / 12.33 Monsters (0%)

Acolyte of the Cult - 8 kills
Acolyte of the Cult

Gold Coin - 5.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 15 Morning Star - 1 / 8.00 Monsters (0%)

Vampire - 293 kills

Gold Coin - 1.63 / Monster (87%) ⇒ Max: 20 Bowl - 1 / 6.66 Monsters (93%) Grave Flower - 1 / 6.81 Monsters (93%) Katana - 1 / 7.15 Monsters (93%) Skull - 1 / 10.85 Monsters (89%) Vampire Teeth - 1 / 16.28 Monsters (83%) Black Pearl - 1 / 58.60 Monsters (40%) Spike Sword - 1 / 58.60 Monsters (40%) Strange Helmet - 1 / 146.50 Monsters (0%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 146.50 Monsters (0%)

Efreet - 225 kills

Gold Coin - 56.06 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 124 Pear - 0.58 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 5 Royal Spear - 0.28 / Monster (86%) ⇒ Max: 3 Small Oil Lamp - 1 / 4.89 Monsters (93%) Heavy Machete - 1 / 6.25 Monsters (92%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 8.65 Monsters (88%) Small Emerald - 1 / 12.50 Monsters (67%) ⇒ Max: 2 Green Tapestry - 1 / 20.45 Monsters (73%) Green Piece of Cloth - 1 / 56.25 Monsters (25%) Wand of Inferno - 1 / 75.00 Monsters (0%) Magma Monocle - 1 / 225.00 Monsters (0%)

Adept of the Cult - 7 kills
Adept of the Cult

Gold Coin - 5.29 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 20 Cultish Robe - 0.29 / Monster (0%)

Quara Mantassin - 86 kills
Quara Mantassin

Gold Coin - 35.94 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 111 Cape - 1 / 7.17 Monsters (75%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 9.56 Monsters (67%) Halberd - 1 / 43.00 Monsters (0%) Fish Fin - 1 / 86.00 Monsters (0%)

Quara Predator Scout - 47 kills
Quara Predator Scout

Gold Coin - 9.96 / Monster (79%) ⇒ Max: 32 Viking Helmet - 1 / 11.75 Monsters (25%) Fishbone - 1 / 15.67 Monsters (0%) Scale Armor - 1 / 23.50 Monsters (0%) Fish Fin - 1 / 47.00 Monsters (0%)

Priestess - 66 kills

Sling Herb - 1 / 5.50 Monsters (75%) Goat Grass - 1 / 6.60 Monsters (70%) Dark Rosary - 1 / 6.60 Monsters (70%) Red Apple - 1 / 9.43 Monsters (14%) ⇒ Max: 2 Powder Herb - 1 / 13.20 Monsters (40%) Orange Book - 1 / 13.20 Monsters (40%) Crystal Ball - 1 / 22.00 Monsters (0%) Black Hood - 1 / 33.00 Monsters (0%) Talon - 1 / 33.00 Monsters (0%) Wood Mushroom - 1 / 33.00 Monsters (0%) Clerical Mace - 1 / 66.00 Monsters (0%) Mana Potion - 1 / 66.00 Monsters (0%) Wooden Flute - 1 / 66.00 Monsters (0%)

Slick Water Elemental - 373 kills
Slick Water Elemental

Gold Coin - 31.43 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 120 Shiver Arrow - 1 / 9.10 Monsters (78%) ⇒ Max: 3 Iced Soil - 1 / 16.95 Monsters (86%)

Blazing Fire Elemental - 193 kills
Blazing Fire Elemental

Gold Coin - 29.74 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 120 Fiery Heart - 1 / 24.13 Monsters (62%) Glimmering Soil - 1 / 24.13 Monsters (62%) Flaming Arrow - 1 / 48.25 Monsters (25%)

Enlightened of the Cult - 98 kills
Enlightened of the Cult

Gold Coin - 14.73 / Monster (86%) ⇒ Max: 67 Cultish Mask - 1 / 8.91 Monsters (73%) Protection Amulet - 1 / 98.00 Monsters (0%) Skull Staff - 1 / 98.00 Monsters (0%)

Nightstalker - 3 kills

Gold Coin - 7.67 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 15

Wyvern - 4 kills

Gold Coin - 28.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 38 Wand of Inferno - 0.25 / Monster (0%) Power Bolt - 0.25 / Monster (0%)

Energy Elemental - 35 kills
Energy Elemental

Gold Coin - 87.77 / Monster (86%) ⇒ Max: 145 Flash Arrow - 0.83 / Monster (7%) ⇒ Max: 9 Throwing Star - 0.71 / Monster (40%) ⇒ Max: 5 Mana Potion - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (40%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 17.50 Monsters (0%) Crystal Sword - 1 / 17.50 Monsters (0%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 17.50 Monsters (0%) Obsidian Lance - 1 / 17.50 Monsters (0%)

Bonebeast - 610 kills

Gold Coin - 9.64 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 89 Bone - 0.34 / Monster (99%) Skull - 1 / 5.75 Monsters (97%) Bony Tail - 1 / 14.88 Monsters (93%) Plate Armor - 1 / 16.05 Monsters (92%) Bone Club - 1 / 32.11 Monsters (84%) Bone Shield - 1 / 61.00 Monsters (70%) Green Mushroom - 1 / 87.14 Monsters (57%) Hardened Bone - 1 / 203.33 Monsters (0%) Health Potion - 1 / 203.33 Monsters (0%)

Ice Witch - 99 kills
Ice Witch

Gold Coin - 11.72 / Monster (77%) ⇒ Max: 90 Ice Cube - 1 / 9.90 Monsters (70%) Shard - 1 / 49.50 Monsters (0%) Green Mushroom - 1 / 49.50 Monsters (0%) Clerical Mace - 1 / 99.00 Monsters (0%)

Necromancer - 41 kills

Gold Coin - 20.63 / Monster (69%) ⇒ Max: 88 Poison Arrow - 0.34 / Monster (14%) ⇒ Max: 4 Book of Necromantic Rituals - 1 / 20.50 Monsters (0%) Green Mushroom - 1 / 20.50 Monsters (0%)

Quara Pincher Scout - 40 kills
Quara Pincher Scout

Gold Coin - 7.08 / Monster (52%) ⇒ Max: 45 Mace - 1 / 13.33 Monsters (0%) Halberd - 1 / 13.33 Monsters (0%) Small Ruby - 1 / 40.00 Monsters (0%) Plate Armor - 1 / 40.00 Monsters (0%) Morning Star - 1 / 40.00 Monsters (0%)

Mutated Bat - 52 kills
Mutated Bat

Gold Coin - 43.73 / Monster (87%) ⇒ Max: 102 Battle Shield - 1 / 7.43 Monsters (57%) Black Pearl - 1 / 8.67 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Bat Wing - 1 / 13.00 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Rusty Armor - 1 / 17.33 Monsters (0%) Obsidian Lance - 1 / 26.00 Monsters (0%) Star Herb - 1 / 52.00 Monsters (0%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 52.00 Monsters (0%) Mutated Bat Ear - 1 / 52.00 Monsters (0%)

Dragon Lord Hatchling - 228 kills
Dragon Lord Hatchling

Gold Coin - 35.94 / Monster (96%) ⇒ Max: 110 Mana Potion - 1 / 32.57 Monsters (57%) Green Mushroom - 1 / 45.60 Monsters (40%)

Orc Warlord - 32 kills
Orc Warlord

Gold Coin - 4.47 / Monster (29%) ⇒ Max: 34 Throwing Star - 1.22 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 17 Orcish Axe - 1 / 4.57 Monsters (57%) Fish - 1 / 5.33 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Dark Helmet - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Orc Tooth - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Scimitar - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Royal Spear - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Plate Armor - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Health Potion - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Protection Amulet - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Brass Legs - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%)

Dragon - 938 kills

Gold Coin - 32.27 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 104 Burst Arrow - 0.51 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 10 Short Sword - 0.25 / Monster (99%) Mace - 1 / 5.36 Monsters (98%) Steel Shield - 1 / 6.34 Monsters (98%) Worm - 1 / 9.77 Monsters (69%) ⇒ Max: 10 Crossbow - 1 / 9.98 Monsters (97%) Longsword - 1 / 25.35 Monsters (92%) Steel Helmet - 1 / 26.06 Monsters (92%) Plate Legs - 1 / 37.52 Monsters (88%) Broadsword - 1 / 52.11 Monsters (83%) Green Dragon Leather - 1 / 85.27 Monsters (73%) Wand of Inferno - 1 / 85.27 Monsters (73%) Double Axe - 1 / 85.27 Monsters (73%) Green Dragon Scale - 1 / 85.27 Monsters (73%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 93.80 Monsters (70%) Small Diamond - 1 / 117.25 Monsters (25%) ⇒ Max: 2 Serpent Sword - 1 / 134.00 Monsters (57%) Dragon Hammer - 1 / 187.60 Monsters (40%) Dragon Shield - 1 / 234.50 Monsters (25%) Life Crystal - 1 / 234.50 Monsters (25%) Dragonbone Staff - 1 / 312.67 Monsters (0%)

Ancient Scarab - 16 kills
Ancient Scarab

Gold Coin - 77.06 / Monster (65%) ⇒ Max: 145 Plate Armor - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (0%) Magic Light Wand - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (0%) Scarab Amulet - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (0%)

Frost Dragon Hatchling - 67 kills
Frost Dragon Hatchling

Gold Coin - 24.03 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 52 Health Potion - 1 / 16.75 Monsters (25%) Frosty Heart - 1 / 22.33 Monsters (0%)

Mutated Tiger - 19 kills
Mutated Tiger

Gold Coin - 41.74 / Monster (69%) ⇒ Max: 81 Striped Fur - 1 / 19.00 Monsters (0%) Life Ring - 1 / 19.00 Monsters (0%)

Undead Gladiator - 45 kills
Undead Gladiator

Gold Coin - 61.29 / Monster (86%) ⇒ Max: 126 Throwing Star - 1.24 / Monster (30%) ⇒ Max: 13 Scimitar - 1 / 7.50 Monsters (50%) Hunting Spear - 1 / 11.25 Monsters (25%) Protection Amulet - 1 / 11.25 Monsters (25%) Brass Legs - 1 / 22.50 Monsters (0%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 22.50 Monsters (0%) Broken Gladiator Shield - 1 / 22.50 Monsters (0%) Plate Legs - 1 / 45.00 Monsters (0%) Dark Helmet - 1 / 45.00 Monsters (0%) Plate Armor - 1 / 45.00 Monsters (0%) Brass Armor - 1 / 45.00 Monsters (0%) Health Potion - 1 / 45.00 Monsters (0%) Belted Cape - 1 / 45.00 Monsters (0%)

Quara Hydromancer Scout - 76 kills
Quara Hydromancer Scout

Gold Coin - 20.87 / Monster (85%) ⇒ Max: 77 Staff - 1 / 9.50 Monsters (62%) Remains of a Fish - 1 / 15.20 Monsters (40%) Black Pearl - 1 / 19.00 Monsters (25%)

Quara Hydromancer - 195 kills
Quara Hydromancer

Gold Coin - 22.31 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 80 Staff - 1 / 9.29 Monsters (86%) Wand of Cosmic Energy - 1 / 39.00 Monsters (40%) Small Emerald - 1 / 65.00 Monsters (0%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 97.50 Monsters (0%) Knight Armor - 1 / 195.00 Monsters (0%) Fish Fin - 1 / 195.00 Monsters (0%) White Pearl - 1 / 195.00 Monsters (0%) Black Pearl - 1 / 195.00 Monsters (0%)

Bog Raider - 56 kills
Bog Raider

Gold Coin - 41.84 / Monster (88%) ⇒ Max: 94 Boggy Dreads - 1 / 9.33 Monsters (50%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%)

Killer Caiman - 96 kills
Killer Caiman

Gold Coin - 40.44 / Monster (88%) ⇒ Max: 154 Piece of Crocodile Leather - 1 / 8.73 Monsters (73%) Bunch of Ripe Rice - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (25%) ⇒ Max: 2 Small Emerald - 1 / 96.00 Monsters (0%) Giant Shimmering Pearl - 1 / 96.00 Monsters (0%)

Lich - 360 kills

Gold Coin - 19.75 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 110 Staff - 0.57 / Monster (99%) Dirty Cape - 1 / 5.54 Monsters (95%) Spellbook - 1 / 8.37 Monsters (93%) Black Pearl - 1 / 21.18 Monsters (82%) White Pearl - 1 / 90.00 Monsters (25%) Strange Helmet - 1 / 120.00 Monsters (0%) Mind Stone - 1 / 120.00 Monsters (0%) Ring of Healing - 1 / 180.00 Monsters (0%) Blue Robe - 1 / 360.00 Monsters (0%) Castle Shield - 1 / 360.00 Monsters (0%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 360.00 Monsters (0%)

Banshee - 305 kills

Gold Coin - 12.90 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 80 Candlestick - 0.72 / Monster (99%) Simple Dress - 0.62 / Monster (98%) Dirty Cape - 1 / 4.69 Monsters (95%) Silver Amulet - 1 / 12.20 Monsters (88%) Petrified Scream - 1 / 21.79 Monsters (79%) Silver Brooch - 1 / 76.25 Monsters (25%) Black Pearl - 1 / 76.25 Monsters (25%) Poison Dagger - 1 / 76.25 Monsters (25%) Lyre - 1 / 152.50 Monsters (0%) Blue Robe - 1 / 152.50 Monsters (0%) White Pearl - 1 / 152.50 Monsters (0%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 152.50 Monsters (0%) Wedding Ring - 1 / 152.50 Monsters (0%) Stone Skin Amulet - 1 / 305.00 Monsters (0%) Life Crystal - 1 / 305.00 Monsters (0%)

Crystal Spider - 436 kills
Crystal Spider

Gold Coin - 25.50 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 90 Sniper Arrow - 1 / 7.39 Monsters (69%) ⇒ Max: 6 Plate Armor - 1 / 11.78 Monsters (92%) Brass Legs - 1 / 14.06 Monsters (90%) Ice Cube - 1 / 15.03 Monsters (90%) Steel Helmet - 1 / 21.80 Monsters (85%) Spider Silk - 1 / 31.14 Monsters (79%) Time Ring - 1 / 145.33 Monsters (0%) Shard - 1 / 145.33 Monsters (0%) Platinum Amulet - 1 / 218.00 Monsters (0%) Knight Armor - 1 / 436.00 Monsters (0%) Crystal Sword - 1 / 436.00 Monsters (0%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 436.00 Monsters (0%) Knight Legs - 1 / 436.00 Monsters (0%) Glacier Mask - 1 / 436.00 Monsters (0%)

Giant Spider - 391 kills
Giant Spider

Gold Coin - 26.42 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 83 Poison Arrow - 0.90 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 12 Plate Armor - 1 / 9.54 Monsters (93%) Steel Helmet - 1 / 17.00 Monsters (87%) Brass Legs - 1 / 17.77 Monsters (86%) Spider Silk - 1 / 39.10 Monsters (70%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 97.75 Monsters (25%) Knight Armor - 1 / 130.33 Monsters (0%) Time Ring - 1 / 130.33 Monsters (0%) Knight Legs - 1 / 391.00 Monsters (0%)

Massive Earth Elemental - 18 kills
Massive Earth Elemental

Gold Coin - 73.11 / Monster (66%) ⇒ Max: 148 Small Stone - 0.67 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 5 Lump of Earth - 0.33 / Monster (50%) Dwarven Ring - 1 / 4.50 Monsters (25%) Small Topaz - 1 / 18.00 Monsters (0%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 18.00 Monsters (0%)

Braindeath - 7 kills

Gold Coin - 23.29 / Monster (45%) ⇒ Max: 30 Sniper Arrow - 0.29 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Beholder Eye - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (0%) Bone Sword - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (0%)

Vampire Bride - 481 kills
Vampire Bride

Gold Coin - 56.62 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 146 Vampire Teeth - 1 / 8.29 Monsters (95%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 9.43 Monsters (94%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 12.02 Monsters (92%) Moonlight Rod - 1 / 17.81 Monsters (89%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 26.72 Monsters (83%) Hibiscus Dress - 1 / 48.10 Monsters (70%) Velvet Tapestry - 1 / 53.44 Monsters (67%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 80.17 Monsters (50%) Emerald Bangle - 1 / 120.25 Monsters (25%) Mysterious Voodoo Skull - 1 / 240.50 Monsters (0%) Small Diamond - 1 / 240.50 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Flower Bouquet - 1 / 481.00 Monsters (0%)

Lizard Legionnaire - 417 kills
Lizard Legionnaire

Gold Coin - 61.60 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 165 Broken Halberd - 1 / 10.69 Monsters (92%) Zaoan Halberd - 1 / 52.13 Monsters (62%) Legionnaire Flags - 1 / 83.40 Monsters (40%) Red Lantern - 1 / 104.25 Monsters (25%) Lizard Scale - 1 / 104.25 Monsters (25%) Bunch of Ripe Rice - 1 / 139.00 Monsters (0%) Lizard Leather - 1 / 139.00 Monsters (0%) Health Potion - 1 / 139.00 Monsters (0%) Zaoan Shoes - 1 / 417.00 Monsters (0%)

Hero - 32 kills

Gold Coin - 40.72 / Monster (79%) ⇒ Max: 93 Arrow - 2.25 / Monster (46%) ⇒ Max: 13 Scroll - 0.47 / Monster (80%) Sniper Arrow - 0.28 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Lyre - 0.25 / Monster (62%) Red Rose - 1 / 4.57 Monsters (57%) Scarf - 1 / 6.40 Monsters (40%) Grapes - 1 / 6.40 Monsters (40%) Green Tunic - 1 / 6.40 Monsters (40%) Rope - 1 / 8.00 Monsters (25%) Wedding Ring - 1 / 10.67 Monsters (0%) Red Piece of Cloth - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (0%) Crown Legs - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (0%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 16.00 Monsters (0%) War Hammer - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%) Bow - 1 / 32.00 Monsters (0%)

Lizard Dragon Priest - 236 kills
Lizard Dragon Priest

Gold Coin - 65.35 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 179 Dragon Priest's Wandtip - 1 / 11.80 Monsters (85%) Lizard Leather - 1 / 59.00 Monsters (25%) Bunch of Ripe Rice - 1 / 78.67 Monsters (0%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 118.00 Monsters (0%) Zaoan Robe - 1 / 236.00 Monsters (0%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 236.00 Monsters (0%) Terra Rod - 1 / 236.00 Monsters (0%) Life Ring - 1 / 236.00 Monsters (0%) Lizard Scale - 1 / 236.00 Monsters (0%)

Quara Pincher - 283 kills
Quara Pincher

Gold Coin - 24.22 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 117 Halberd - 1 / 6.15 Monsters (93%) Mace - 1 / 8.58 Monsters (91%) Small Ruby - 1 / 18.87 Monsters (80%) Morning Star - 1 / 20.21 Monsters (79%) Fish Fin - 1 / 47.17 Monsters (50%) Crown Armor - 1 / 283.00 Monsters (0%) Glacier Robe - 1 / 283.00 Monsters (0%) Warrior Helmet - 1 / 283.00 Monsters (0%)

Worker Golem - 93 kills
Worker Golem

Gold Coin - 46.77 / Monster (91%) ⇒ Max: 125 Nail - 0.26 / Monster (37%) ⇒ Max: 5 Great Health Potion - 1 / 18.60 Monsters (40%) Small Diamond - 1 / 23.25 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Great Mana Potion - 1 / 31.00 Monsters (0%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 31.00 Monsters (0%) War Hammer - 1 / 31.00 Monsters (0%) Life Crystal - 1 / 46.50 Monsters (0%) Gear Wheel - 1 / 46.50 Monsters (0%) Great Spirit Potion - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Berserk Potion - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Bonebreaker - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Spiked Squelcher - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Iron Ore - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%)

Jagged Earth Elemental - 5 kills
Jagged Earth Elemental

Roaring Water Elemental - 59 kills
Roaring Water Elemental

Gold Coin - 55.63 / Monster (86%) ⇒ Max: 158 Iced Soil - 1 / 8.43 Monsters (57%) Small Sapphire - 1 / 14.75 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2

Blistering Fire Elemental - 97 kills
Blistering Fire Elemental

Gold Coin - 45.78 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 151 Fiery Heart - 1 / 8.82 Monsters (73%) Glimmering Soil - 1 / 9.70 Monsters (70%) Small Ruby - 1 / 10.78 Monsters (33%) ⇒ Max: 2 Wand of Draconia - 1 / 97.00 Monsters (0%)

Nightmare Scion - 399 kills
Nightmare Scion

Gold Coin - 63.06 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 142 Essence of a Bad Dream - 1 / 12.47 Monsters (91%) Scythe Leg - 1 / 18.14 Monsters (86%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 49.88 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Focus Cape - 1 / 199.50 Monsters (0%) Shadow Sceptre - 1 / 199.50 Monsters (0%) Bar of Chocolate - 1 / 399.00 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 399.00 Monsters (0%)

Lizard High Guard - 494 kills
Lizard High Guard

Gold Coin - 79.43 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 209 Spiked Iron Ball - 1 / 14.97 Monsters (91%) High Guard Shoulderplates - 1 / 30.88 Monsters (81%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 32.93 Monsters (80%) Small Emerald - 1 / 70.57 Monsters (57%) High Guard Flag - 1 / 82.33 Monsters (50%) Zaoan Legs - 1 / 82.33 Monsters (50%) Lizard Scale - 1 / 98.80 Monsters (40%) Bunch of Ripe Rice - 1 / 98.80 Monsters (40%) Zaoan Shoes - 1 / 98.80 Monsters (40%) Red Lantern - 1 / 123.50 Monsters (25%) Lizard Leather - 1 / 494.00 Monsters (0%)

Wyrm - 262 kills

Gold Coin - 69.73 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 182 Burst Arrow - 0.33 / Monster (66%) ⇒ Max: 10 Strong Health Potion - 1 / 4.76 Monsters (95%) Wyrm Scale - 1 / 7.71 Monsters (91%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 7.71 Monsters (91%) Crossbow - 1 / 14.56 Monsters (83%) Wand of Draconia - 1 / 65.50 Monsters (25%) Small Diamond - 1 / 87.33 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Lightning Pendant - 1 / 87.33 Monsters (0%) Focus Cape - 1 / 131.00 Monsters (0%) Dragonbone Staff - 1 / 262.00 Monsters (0%) Hibiscus Dress - 1 / 262.00 Monsters (0%) Wand of Starstorm - 1 / 262.00 Monsters (0%) Composite Hornbow - 1 / 262.00 Monsters (0%)

Quara Predator - 325 kills
Quara Predator

Gold Coin - 33.51 / Monster (96%) ⇒ Max: 134 Royal Spear - 0.34 / Monster (81%) ⇒ Max: 7 Double Axe - 0.27 / Monster (97%) Fishbone - 1 / 7.93 Monsters (93%) Viking Helmet - 1 / 16.25 Monsters (85%) Small Diamond - 1 / 16.25 Monsters (85%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 108.33 Monsters (0%) Fish Fin - 1 / 162.50 Monsters (0%) Relic Sword - 1 / 162.50 Monsters (0%)

Lizard Zaogun - 210 kills
Lizard Zaogun

Gold Coin - 76.82 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 158 Zaogun Shoulderplates - 1 / 14.00 Monsters (80%) Lizard Leather - 1 / 52.50 Monsters (25%) Red Lantern - 1 / 52.50 Monsters (25%) Small Emerald - 1 / 52.50 Monsters (25%) Lizard Scale - 1 / 70.00 Monsters (0%) Zaogun Flag - 1 / 70.00 Monsters (0%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 105.00 Monsters (0%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 105.00 Monsters (0%)

Eternal Guardian - 19 kills
Eternal Guardian

Gold Coin - 18.47 / Monster (67%) ⇒ Max: 39 Small Stone - 1.84 / Monster (14%) ⇒ Max: 10 Piece of Marble Rock - 1 / 19.00 Monsters (0%)

Werewolf - 108 kills

Gold Coin - 73.02 / Monster (93%) ⇒ Max: 180 Werewolf Fur - 1 / 8.31 Monsters (77%) Plate Shield - 1 / 9.82 Monsters (73%) Troll Green - 1 / 13.50 Monsters (62%) Brown Mushroom - 1 / 15.43 Monsters (57%) Wolf Paw - 1 / 15.43 Monsters (57%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 15.43 Monsters (57%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 21.60 Monsters (40%) Ultimate Health Potion - 1 / 27.00 Monsters (25%) Berserk Potion - 1 / 54.00 Monsters (0%) Halberd - 1 / 54.00 Monsters (0%) Epee - 1 / 108.00 Monsters (0%) Bonebreaker - 1 / 108.00 Monsters (0%) Platinum Amulet - 1 / 108.00 Monsters (0%)

Spectre - 895 kills

Gold Coin - 113.00 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 266 Blank Rune - 0.45 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 2 Platinum Coin - 1 / 7.85 Monsters (82%) ⇒ Max: 7 Wand of Cosmic Energy - 1 / 9.23 Monsters (97%) Lyre - 1 / 9.84 Monsters (97%) Soul Orb - 1 / 14.67 Monsters (95%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 15.98 Monsters (95%) White Piece of Cloth - 1 / 27.12 Monsters (91%) Shiny Stone - 1 / 99.44 Monsters (67%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 127.86 Monsters (57%) Silver Brooch - 1 / 179.00 Monsters (40%) Relic Sword - 1 / 223.75 Monsters (25%) Death Ring - 1 / 298.33 Monsters (0%) Stealth Ring - 1 / 298.33 Monsters (0%) Shadow Sceptre - 1 / 298.33 Monsters (0%) Demonbone Amulet - 1 / 447.50 Monsters (0%)

Frost Dragon - 137 kills
Frost Dragon

Gold Coin - 81.40 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 200 Power Bolt - 1 / 4.89 Monsters (36%) ⇒ Max: 6 Green Mushroom - 1 / 7.21 Monsters (84%) Shard - 1 / 8.56 Monsters (81%) Gemmed Book - 1 / 9.13 Monsters (80%) Small Sapphire - 1 / 19.57 Monsters (57%) Energy Ring - 1 / 19.57 Monsters (57%) Golden Mug - 1 / 22.83 Monsters (50%) Ice Cube - 1 / 27.40 Monsters (40%) Spellbook of Enlightenment - 1 / 34.25 Monsters (25%) Tower Shield - 1 / 34.25 Monsters (25%) Ice Rapier - 1 / 45.67 Monsters (0%) Dragon Scale Mail - 1 / 45.67 Monsters (0%) Glacier Robe - 1 / 68.50 Monsters (0%) Royal Helmet - 1 / 68.50 Monsters (0%) Glacier Kilt - 1 / 137.00 Monsters (0%) Dragon Slayer - 1 / 137.00 Monsters (0%) Life Crystal - 1 / 137.00 Monsters (0%)

Dragon Lord - 1185 kills
Dragon Lord

Gold Coin - 83.42 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 229 Power Bolt - 0.29 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 9 Royal Spear - 1 / 5.22 Monsters (96%) ⇒ Max: 3 Green Mushroom - 1 / 6.24 Monsters (98%) Gemmed Book - 1 / 12.74 Monsters (97%) Small Sapphire - 1 / 17.95 Monsters (91%) ⇒ Max: 2 Energy Ring - 1 / 20.43 Monsters (95%) Red Dragon Scale - 1 / 32.03 Monsters (92%) Burst Arrow - 1 / 40.86 Monsters (48%) ⇒ Max: 5 Golden Mug - 1 / 40.86 Monsters (90%) Red Dragon Leather - 1 / 53.86 Monsters (86%) Strong Health Potion - 1 / 69.71 Monsters (82%) Broadsword - 1 / 74.06 Monsters (81%) Gemmed Book - 1 / 107.73 Monsters (73%) Tower Shield - 1 / 148.13 Monsters (63%) Fire Sword - 1 / 197.50 Monsters (50%) Life Crystal - 1 / 237.00 Monsters (40%) Small Emerald - 1 / 296.25 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Dragon Lance - 1 / 296.25 Monsters (25%) Dragon Slayer - 1 / 296.25 Monsters (25%) Dragon Lord Trophy - 1 / 296.25 Monsters (25%) Strange Helmet - 1 / 395.00 Monsters (0%) Dragon Scale Mail - 1 / 395.00 Monsters (0%) Royal Helmet - 1 / 592.50 Monsters (0%)

Hydra - 912 kills

Gold Coin - 65.32 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 222 Hydra Head - 1 / 9.60 Monsters (97%) Small Sapphire - 1 / 20.27 Monsters (93%) Cucumber - 1 / 22.80 Monsters (92%) Ring of Healing - 1 / 91.20 Monsters (70%) Warrior Helmet - 1 / 91.20 Monsters (70%) Knight Armor - 1 / 91.20 Monsters (70%) Hydra Egg - 1 / 114.00 Monsters (62%) Stone Skin Amulet - 1 / 228.00 Monsters (25%) Life Crystal - 1 / 304.00 Monsters (0%) Strong Mana Potion - 1 / 456.00 Monsters (0%) Royal Helmet - 1 / 912.00 Monsters (0%)

Nightmare - 1527 kills

Gold Coin - 62.95 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 154 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.28 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 2 Power Bolt - 0.25 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 4 Soul Orb - 1 / 5.14 Monsters (99%) Essence of a Bad Dream - 1 / 7.56 Monsters (99%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 9.73 Monsters (98%) Scythe Leg - 1 / 11.31 Monsters (98%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 18.62 Monsters (89%) ⇒ Max: 3 Death Ring - 1 / 101.80 Monsters (80%) Ancient Shield - 1 / 101.80 Monsters (80%) Skeleton Decoration - 1 / 190.88 Monsters (63%) Knight Legs - 1 / 305.40 Monsters (40%) Boots of Haste - 1 / 381.75 Monsters (25%) War Axe - 1 / 1527.00 Monsters (0%) Mysterious Voodoo Skull - 1 / 1527.00 Monsters (0%)

Lizard Chosen - 442 kills
Lizard Chosen

Gold Coin - 87.03 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 225 Spiked Iron Ball - 1 / 9.21 Monsters (94%) Cursed Shoulder Spikes - 1 / 29.47 Monsters (80%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 44.20 Monsters (70%) Lizard Scale - 1 / 55.25 Monsters (63%) Corrupted Flag - 1 / 110.50 Monsters (25%) Zaoan Shoes - 1 / 147.33 Monsters (0%) Lizard Leather - 1 / 147.33 Monsters (0%) Zaoan Helmet - 1 / 442.00 Monsters (0%)

Draken Warmaster - 381 kills
Draken Warmaster

Gold Coin - 65.59 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 158 Platinum Coin - 0.66 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 2 Zaoan Halberd - 1 / 11.91 Monsters (91%) Bone Shoulderplate - 1 / 15.24 Monsters (88%) Warmaster's Wristguards - 1 / 18.14 Monsters (86%) Small Ruby - 1 / 47.63 Monsters (25%) ⇒ Max: 2 Great Health Potion - 1 / 63.50 Monsters (50%) Zaoan Legs - 1 / 95.25 Monsters (25%) Drakinata - 1 / 190.50 Monsters (0%) Zaoan Armor - 1 / 381.00 Monsters (0%) Zaoan Shoes - 1 / 381.00 Monsters (0%)

Destroyer - 1126 kills

Gold Coin - 124.39 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 306 Burst Arrow - 0.71 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 12 Demonic Essence - 1 / 4.87 Monsters (99%) Crowbar - 1 / 5.90 Monsters (98%) Dark Armor - 1 / 8.73 Monsters (98%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 10.05 Monsters (95%) ⇒ Max: 2 Platinum Coin - 1 / 13.09 Monsters (90%) ⇒ Max: 3 Metal Spike - 1 / 13.73 Monsters (96%) Soul Orb - 1 / 14.62 Monsters (96%) Pick - 1 / 15.01 Monsters (96%) Plate Armor - 1 / 20.11 Monsters (95%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 53.62 Monsters (86%) Giant Sword - 1 / 59.26 Monsters (84%) Steel Boots - 1 / 62.56 Monsters (83%) Mind Stone - 1 / 86.62 Monsters (77%) Dreaded Cleaver - 1 / 93.83 Monsters (75%) Crystal Necklace - 1 / 125.11 Monsters (67%) Chaos Mace - 1 / 140.75 Monsters (62%) Skull Helmet - 1 / 281.50 Monsters (25%) Death Ring - 1 / 1126.00 Monsters (0%)

Behemoth - 237 kills

Gold Coin - 38.74 / Monster (96%) ⇒ Max: 131 Assassin Star - 1 / 6.08 Monsters (85%) ⇒ Max: 2 Crowbar - 1 / 6.24 Monsters (92%) Amphora - 1 / 9.48 Monsters (88%) Double Axe - 1 / 10.30 Monsters (87%) Big Bone - 1 / 14.81 Monsters (81%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 15.80 Monsters (60%) ⇒ Max: 2 Pick - 1 / 18.23 Monsters (77%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 29.63 Monsters (62%) Dark Armor - 1 / 33.86 Monsters (57%) Plate Armor - 1 / 79.00 Monsters (0%) Giant Sword - 1 / 118.50 Monsters (0%) Perfect Behemoth Fang - 1 / 118.50 Monsters (0%) Steel Boots - 1 / 118.50 Monsters (0%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 118.50 Monsters (0%) Behemoth Claw - 1 / 237.00 Monsters (0%)

Draken Spellweaver - 252 kills
Draken Spellweaver

Gold Coin - 75.78 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 166 Platinum Coin - 1.21 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 2 Weaver's Wandtip - 1 / 6.46 Monsters (92%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 36.00 Monsters (57%) Small Ruby - 1 / 42.00 Monsters (50%) Zaoan Shoes - 1 / 63.00 Monsters (25%) Focus Cape - 1 / 126.00 Monsters (0%)

Hellspawn - 1131 kills

Gold Coin - 93.14 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 223 Great Health Potion - 0.39 / Monster (99%) Hellspawn Tail - 1 / 4.92 Monsters (99%) Assassin Star - 1 / 6.35 Monsters (97%) ⇒ Max: 2 Red Mushroom - 1 / 6.98 Monsters (96%) ⇒ Max: 2 Ultimate Health Potion - 1 / 8.98 Monsters (98%) Small Topaz - 1 / 9.27 Monsters (93%) ⇒ Max: 3 Battle Shield - 1 / 9.50 Monsters (97%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 9.75 Monsters (97%) Morning Star - 1 / 10.67 Monsters (97%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 26.30 Monsters (93%) Knight Legs - 1 / 34.27 Monsters (91%) Warrior Helmet - 1 / 59.53 Monsters (84%) Berserk Potion - 1 / 87.00 Monsters (77%) Spiked Squelcher - 1 / 113.10 Monsters (70%) Black Skull - 1 / 282.75 Monsters (25%) Dracoyle Statue - 1 / 565.50 Monsters (0%)

War Golem - 36 kills
War Golem

Gold Coin - 95.22 / Monster (80%) ⇒ Max: 223 Plate Shield - 1 / 5.14 Monsters (57%) Nail - 1 / 7.20 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 5 War Crystal - 1 / 7.20 Monsters (40%) Morning Star - 1 / 9.00 Monsters (25%) Club Ring - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%) Ultimate Health Potion - 1 / 12.00 Monsters (0%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 18.00 Monsters (0%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 36.00 Monsters (0%) Steel Boots - 1 / 36.00 Monsters (0%) Berserk Potion - 1 / 36.00 Monsters (0%) Iron Ore - 1 / 36.00 Monsters (0%) Epee - 1 / 36.00 Monsters (0%)

Diabolic Imp - 264 kills
Diabolic Imp

Gold Coin - 89.27 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 191 Pitchfork - 0.55 / Monster (98%) Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.29 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 2 Blank Rune - 1 / 5.08 Monsters (88%) ⇒ Max: 2 Cleaver - 1 / 11.48 Monsters (87%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 11.48 Monsters (87%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 11.48 Monsters (35%) ⇒ Max: 5 Guardian Shield - 1 / 14.67 Monsters (83%) Scimitar - 1 / 15.53 Monsters (82%) Soul Orb - 1 / 16.50 Monsters (81%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 37.71 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Double Axe - 1 / 88.00 Monsters (0%) Magma Monocle - 1 / 132.00 Monsters (0%) Necrotic Rod - 1 / 132.00 Monsters (0%) Stealth Ring - 1 / 132.00 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 264.00 Monsters (0%)

Serpent Spawn - 617 kills
Serpent Spawn

Gold Coin - 87.59 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 226 Green Mushroom - 1 / 6.11 Monsters (97%) Small Sapphire - 1 / 7.71 Monsters (96%) Snake Skin - 1 / 8.01 Monsters (96%) Energy Ring - 1 / 14.69 Monsters (93%) Power Bolt - 1 / 14.69 Monsters (93%) Life Ring - 1 / 20.57 Monsters (90%) Golden Mug - 1 / 47.46 Monsters (77%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 51.42 Monsters (75%) Mercenary Sword - 1 / 51.42 Monsters (75%) Noble Axe - 1 / 102.83 Monsters (50%) Winged Tail - 1 / 102.83 Monsters (50%) Snakebite Rod - 1 / 154.25 Monsters (25%) Warrior Helmet - 1 / 205.67 Monsters (0%) Tower Shield - 1 / 205.67 Monsters (0%) Strange Helmet - 1 / 205.67 Monsters (0%) Life Crystal - 1 / 205.67 Monsters (0%) Old Parchment - 1 / 617.00 Monsters (0%) Royal Helmet - 1 / 617.00 Monsters (0%) Charmer's Tiara - 1 / 617.00 Monsters (0%)

Betrayed Wraith - 152 kills
Betrayed Wraith

Gold Coin - 132.41 / Monster (96%) ⇒ Max: 281 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.39 / Monster (95%) Sniper Arrow - 0.26 / Monster (62%) ⇒ Max: 5 Double Axe - 1 / 4.22 Monsters (92%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 4.75 Monsters (62%) ⇒ Max: 4 Unholy Bone - 1 / 5.24 Monsters (90%) Small Diamond - 1 / 9.50 Monsters (81%) Orichalcum Pearl - 1 / 10.13 Monsters (60%) ⇒ Max: 2 Battle Hammer - 1 / 13.82 Monsters (73%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 13.82 Monsters (73%) Soul Orb - 1 / 21.71 Monsters (57%) Spike Sword - 1 / 21.71 Monsters (57%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 76.00 Monsters (0%) Skull Helmet - 1 / 152.00 Monsters (0%)

Defiler - 224 kills

Gold Coin - 156.70 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 298 Platinum Coin - 0.71 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 4 Demonic Essence - 1 / 5.21 Monsters (93%) Soul Orb - 1 / 5.46 Monsters (93%) Small Emerald - 1 / 6.05 Monsters (76%) ⇒ Max: 3 Glob of Acid Slime - 1 / 6.79 Monsters (91%) Glob of Tar - 1 / 7.23 Monsters (90%) Talon - 1 / 44.80 Monsters (40%) Small Ruby - 1 / 74.67 Monsters (0%) Small Diamond - 1 / 112.00 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 112.00 Monsters (0%) Red Gem - 1 / 224.00 Monsters (0%)

Hellfire Fighter - 568 kills
Hellfire Fighter

Gold Coin - 99.94 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 221 Burnt Scroll - 0.48 / Monster (99%) Blank Rune - 0.42 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 2 Demonic Essence - 1 / 6.31 Monsters (97%) Soul Orb - 1 / 7.38 Monsters (96%) Wand of Inferno - 1 / 10.72 Monsters (94%) Fiery Heart - 1 / 11.83 Monsters (94%) Piece of Hellfire Armor - 1 / 27.05 Monsters (86%) Fire Sword - 1 / 31.56 Monsters (83%) Emerald Bangle - 1 / 40.57 Monsters (79%) Small Diamond - 1 / 63.11 Monsters (67%) Magma Legs - 1 / 189.33 Monsters (0%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 284.00 Monsters (0%) Fire Axe - 1 / 568.00 Monsters (0%)

Warlock - 286 kills

Gold Coin - 10.04 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 79 Cherry - 0.44 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 4 Candlestick - 1 / 7.33 Monsters (92%) Poison Dagger - 1 / 9.23 Monsters (90%) Bread - 1 / 9.86 Monsters (90%) Assassin Star - 1 / 11.00 Monsters (54%) ⇒ Max: 4 Skull Staff - 1 / 11.92 Monsters (88%) Inkwell - 1 / 11.92 Monsters (88%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 16.82 Monsters (82%) Dark Mushroom - 1 / 20.43 Monsters (79%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 28.60 Monsters (70%) Small Sapphire - 1 / 57.20 Monsters (40%) Talon - 1 / 71.50 Monsters (25%) Blue Robe - 1 / 71.50 Monsters (25%) Energy Ring - 1 / 95.33 Monsters (0%) Mind Stone - 1 / 95.33 Monsters (0%) Stone Skin Amulet - 1 / 286.00 Monsters (0%) Crystal Ring - 1 / 286.00 Monsters (0%)

Lost Soul - 286 kills
Lost Soul

Gold Coin - 128.51 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 285 Blank Rune - 0.34 / Monster (97%) Unholy Bone - 0.28 / Monster (96%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 7.73 Monsters (84%) ⇒ Max: 2 Plate Armor - 1 / 7.94 Monsters (92%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 8.41 Monsters (74%) ⇒ Max: 3 Scale Armor - 1 / 9.86 Monsters (90%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 10.21 Monsters (89%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 13.00 Monsters (86%) Steel Helmet - 1 / 13.62 Monsters (86%) Soul Orb - 1 / 14.30 Monsters (85%) Silver Goblet - 1 / 17.88 Monsters (81%) Skull Staff - 1 / 95.33 Monsters (0%) Ruby Necklace - 1 / 95.33 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 95.33 Monsters (0%) Skeleton Decoration - 1 / 95.33 Monsters (0%) Stone Skin Amulet - 1 / 95.33 Monsters (0%) Titan Axe - 1 / 286.00 Monsters (0%)

Medusa - 182 kills

Gold Coin - 69.87 / Monster (96%) ⇒ Max: 175 Platinum Coin - 1.21 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 2 Small Emerald - 1 / 7.58 Monsters (63%) ⇒ Max: 3 Strand of Medusa Hair - 1 / 8.67 Monsters (86%) Ultimate Health Potion - 1 / 9.10 Monsters (70%) ⇒ Max: 2 Great Mana Potion - 1 / 15.17 Monsters (50%) ⇒ Max: 2 Terra Amulet - 1 / 20.22 Monsters (67%) Medusa Shield - 1 / 30.33 Monsters (50%) Knight Armor - 1 / 91.00 Monsters (0%) Titan Axe - 1 / 91.00 Monsters (0%) Sacred Tree Amulet - 1 / 182.00 Monsters (0%) Terra Mantle - 1 / 182.00 Monsters (0%)

Phantasm - 1790 kills

Gold Coin - 22.60 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 265 Blank Rune - 1 / 11.70 Monsters (96%) ⇒ Max: 2 Shadow Herb - 1 / 17.55 Monsters (97%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 27.54 Monsters (95%) Small Emerald - 1 / 43.66 Monsters (78%) ⇒ Max: 3 Rusty Armor - 1 / 51.14 Monsters (91%) Soul Orb - 1 / 57.74 Monsters (90%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 162.73 Monsters (73%) Stealth Ring - 1 / 223.75 Monsters (62%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 298.33 Monsters (50%)

Fury - 588 kills

Gold Coin - 102.37 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 250 Jalapeño Pepper - 0.82 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 4 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.73 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 3 Terra Rod - 1 / 4.36 Monsters (98%) Soul Orb - 1 / 4.56 Monsters (98%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 4.63 Monsters (98%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 6.06 Monsters (91%) ⇒ Max: 3 Great Health Potion - 1 / 7.95 Monsters (96%) Rusty Legs - 1 / 12.78 Monsters (93%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 15.89 Monsters (68%) ⇒ Max: 4 Orichalcum Pearl - 1 / 24.50 Monsters (50%) ⇒ Max: 4 Red Piece of Cloth - 1 / 29.40 Monsters (85%) Noble Axe - 1 / 32.67 Monsters (83%) Assassin Dagger - 1 / 84.00 Monsters (57%) Crystal Ring - 1 / 98.00 Monsters (50%) Steel Boots - 1 / 147.00 Monsters (25%) Assassin Star - 1 / 588.00 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 588.00 Monsters (0%)

Plaguesmith - 691 kills

Gold Coin - 114.82 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 261 Dirty Cape - 0.61 / Monster (99%) Moldy Cheese - 0.52 / Monster (99%) Morning Star - 0.29 / Monster (99%) Battle Hammer - 1 / 4.46 Monsters (98%) Piece of Iron - 1 / 4.64 Monsters (98%) Steel Shield - 1 / 5.36 Monsters (98%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 5.66 Monsters (98%) Onyx Arrow - 1 / 6.17 Monsters (89%) ⇒ Max: 4 Platinum Coin - 1 / 7.68 Monsters (93%) ⇒ Max: 2 Soul Orb - 1 / 9.47 Monsters (96%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 9.87 Monsters (96%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 9.87 Monsters (96%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 10.01 Monsters (87%) ⇒ Max: 3 Rusty Armor - 1 / 10.31 Monsters (96%) Club Ring - 1 / 15.36 Monsters (93%) Axe Ring - 1 / 17.28 Monsters (92%) Knight Legs - 1 / 19.19 Monsters (92%) War Hammer - 1 / 43.19 Monsters (81%) Steel Boots - 1 / 57.58 Monsters (75%) Silver Brooch - 1 / 62.82 Monsters (73%) Piece of Draconian Steel - 1 / 98.71 Monsters (57%) Piece of Hell Steel - 1 / 138.20 Monsters (40%) Hammer of Wrath - 1 / 230.33 Monsters (0%) Piece of Royal Steel - 1 / 230.33 Monsters (0%) Emerald Bangle - 1 / 345.50 Monsters (0%)

Ghastly Dragon - 893 kills
Ghastly Dragon

Gold Coin - 116.75 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 258 Platinum Coin - 0.43 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 2 Undead Heart - 1 / 5.02 Monsters (98%) Soul Orb - 1 / 9.60 Monsters (97%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 9.92 Monsters (97%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 9.92 Monsters (97%) Zaoan Halberd - 1 / 13.13 Monsters (96%) Ghastly Dragon Head - 1 / 15.67 Monsters (95%) Twin Hooks - 1 / 16.85 Monsters (94%) Great Spirit Potion - 1 / 21.26 Monsters (93%) Ultimate Health Potion - 1 / 22.90 Monsters (92%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 34.35 Monsters (88%) Zaoan Legs - 1 / 81.18 Monsters (73%) Zaoan Armor - 1 / 89.30 Monsters (70%) Shiny Stone - 1 / 127.57 Monsters (57%) Drakinata - 1 / 127.57 Monsters (57%) Spellweaver's Robe - 1 / 148.83 Monsters (50%) Jade Hat - 1 / 148.83 Monsters (50%) Zaoan Shoes - 1 / 148.83 Monsters (50%) Guardian Boots - 1 / 178.60 Monsters (40%) Zaoan Helmet - 1 / 446.50 Monsters (0%)

Dark Torturer - 541 kills
Dark Torturer

Gold Coin - 94.43 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 255 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.68 / Monster (98%) ⇒ Max: 3 Platinum Coin - 0.40 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 6 Soul Orb - 1 / 7.41 Monsters (96%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 12.30 Monsters (93%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 12.58 Monsters (93%) Steel Boots - 1 / 12.88 Monsters (93%) Assassin Star - 1 / 24.59 Monsters (73%) ⇒ Max: 2 Death Ring - 1 / 45.08 Monsters (75%) Orichalcum Pearl - 1 / 49.18 Monsters (45%) ⇒ Max: 2 Saw - 1 / 77.29 Monsters (57%) Cat's Paw - 1 / 135.25 Monsters (25%) Butcher's Axe - 1 / 180.33 Monsters (0%) Gold Ingot - 1 / 270.50 Monsters (0%) Key Ring - 1 / 270.50 Monsters (0%) Vile Axe - 1 / 541.00 Monsters (0%) Golden Legs - 1 / 541.00 Monsters (0%)

Hand of Cursed Fate - 93 kills
Hand of Cursed Fate

Gold Coin - 95.74 / Monster (92%) ⇒ Max: 235 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.77 / Monster (87%) ⇒ Max: 3 Onyx Arrow - 0.27 / Monster (64%) ⇒ Max: 3 Platinum Coin - 1 / 6.20 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 5 Small Sapphire - 1 / 6.20 Monsters (20%) ⇒ Max: 4 Soul Orb - 1 / 10.33 Monsters (67%) Emerald Bangle - 1 / 23.25 Monsters (25%) Crown Armor - 1 / 31.00 Monsters (0%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 46.50 Monsters (0%) Platinum Amulet - 1 / 46.50 Monsters (0%) Mind Stone - 1 / 46.50 Monsters (0%) Assassin Star - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Skull Staff - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Gold Ingot - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Energy Ring - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Mysterious Voodoo Skull - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Wand of Inferno - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%) Knight Armor - 1 / 93.00 Monsters (0%)

Grim Reaper - 1506 kills
Grim Reaper

Gold Coin - 106.43 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 257 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.33 / Monster (99%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 8.18 Monsters (93%) ⇒ Max: 4 Demonic Essence - 1 / 8.51 Monsters (98%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 10.11 Monsters (98%) Ultimate Health Potion - 1 / 10.53 Monsters (98%) Scythe - 1 / 10.83 Monsters (98%) Orichalcum Pearl - 1 / 18.14 Monsters (86%) ⇒ Max: 4 Magic Light Wand - 1 / 18.37 Monsters (96%) Mystical Hourglass - 1 / 23.90 Monsters (95%) Dark Shield - 1 / 26.89 Monsters (95%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 35.02 Monsters (93%) Nightmare Blade - 1 / 94.13 Monsters (81%) Underworld Rod - 1 / 115.85 Monsters (77%) Glacier Kilt - 1 / 188.25 Monsters (62%) Skullcracker Armor - 1 / 753.00 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 753.00 Monsters (0%)

Blightwalker - 282 kills

Gold Coin - 108.51 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 277 Bunch of Wheat - 0.64 / Monster (98%) Poison Arrow - 0.50 / Monster (74%) ⇒ Max: 12 Blank Rune - 0.45 / Monster (95%) ⇒ Max: 2 Demonic Essence - 0.28 / Monster (96%) Soul Orb - 1 / 4.03 Monsters (96%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 7.62 Monsters (92%) Hailstorm Rod - 1 / 11.75 Monsters (87%) Bundle of Cursed Straw - 1 / 12.26 Monsters (87%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 15.67 Monsters (83%) Scythe - 1 / 40.29 Monsters (57%) Terra Legs - 1 / 70.50 Monsters (25%) Terra Mantle - 1 / 141.00 Monsters (0%) Garlic Necklace - 1 / 282.00 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 282.00 Monsters (0%) Gold Ring - 1 / 282.00 Monsters (0%) Skull Staff - 1 / 282.00 Monsters (0%)

Demon - 761 kills

Gold Coin - 78.31 / Monster (99%) ⇒ Max: 196 Fire Mushroom - 0.68 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 6 Platinum Coin - 0.64 / Monster (99%) Ultimate Health Potion - 0.35 / Monster (97%) ⇒ Max: 3 Great Mana Potion - 1 / 4.07 Monsters (95%) ⇒ Max: 3 Double Axe - 1 / 6.39 Monsters (97%) Assassin Star - 1 / 6.86 Monsters (86%) ⇒ Max: 5 Small Emerald - 1 / 9.51 Monsters (92%) ⇒ Max: 2 Fire Axe - 1 / 18.56 Monsters (93%) Talon - 1 / 29.27 Monsters (88%) Orb - 1 / 30.44 Monsters (88%) Giant Sword - 1 / 50.73 Monsters (80%) Stealth Ring - 1 / 58.54 Monsters (77%) Golden Sickle - 1 / 69.18 Monsters (73%) Platinum Amulet - 1 / 84.56 Monsters (67%) Ice Rapier - 1 / 84.56 Monsters (67%) Mastermind Shield - 1 / 95.13 Monsters (63%) Gold Ring - 1 / 95.13 Monsters (63%) Devil Helmet - 1 / 95.13 Monsters (63%) Purple Tome - 1 / 95.13 Monsters (63%) Demon Shield - 1 / 152.20 Monsters (40%) Demon Horn - 1 / 190.25 Monsters (25%) Ring of Healing - 1 / 380.50 Monsters (0%) Demonrage Sword - 1 / 380.50 Monsters (0%) Mana Potion - 1 / 761.00 Monsters (0%) Magic Plate Armor - 1 / 761.00 Monsters (0%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 761.00 Monsters (0%)

Hellhound - 135 kills

Gold Coin - 38.66 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 100 Platinum Coin - 1.01 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 5 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.45 / Monster (90%) ⇒ Max: 2 Soul Orb - 1 / 4.66 Monsters (90%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 5.19 Monsters (88%) Black Pearl - 1 / 6.14 Monsters (45%) ⇒ Max: 4 Hellhound Slobber - 1 / 7.11 Monsters (84%) Knight Axe - 1 / 13.50 Monsters (70%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 16.88 Monsters (62%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 22.50 Monsters (50%) Giant Sword - 1 / 67.50 Monsters (0%) Spike Sword - 1 / 67.50 Monsters (0%) Big Bone - 1 / 135.00 Monsters (0%)

Undead Dragon - 68 kills
Undead Dragon

Gold Coin - 120.79 / Monster (89%) ⇒ Max: 293 Onyx Arrow - 2.41 / Monster (82%) ⇒ Max: 10 Platinum Coin - 1.35 / Monster (84%) ⇒ Max: 5 Unholy Bone - 0.54 / Monster (92%) Broadsword - 0.37 / Monster (88%) Blank Rune - 0.35 / Monster (75%) ⇒ Max: 2 Power Bolt - 0.32 / Monster (18%) ⇒ Max: 6 Torn Book - 0.31 / Monster (86%) Demonic Essence - 1 / 5.23 Monsters (77%) Soul Orb - 1 / 8.50 Monsters (62%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 11.33 Monsters (50%) Golden Mug - 1 / 22.67 Monsters (0%) Knight Armor - 1 / 34.00 Monsters (0%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 68.00 Monsters (0%) Hardened Bone - 1 / 68.00 Monsters (0%) Gold Ingot - 1 / 68.00 Monsters (0%) Dragonbone Staff - 1 / 68.00 Monsters (0%) Death Ring - 1 / 68.00 Monsters (0%)

Juggernaut - 112 kills

Gold Coin - 78.82 / Monster (94%) ⇒ Max: 184 Concentrated Demonic Blood - 0.76 / Monster (86%) ⇒ Max: 4 Demonic Essence - 0.43 / Monster (94%) Soul Orb - 0.36 / Monster (92%) Onyx Arrow - 1 / 6.59 Monsters (12%) ⇒ Max: 5 Rusty Armor - 1 / 8.62 Monsters (77%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 9.33 Monsters (75%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 11.20 Monsters (70%) Platinum Coin - 1 / 22.40 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Gold Ingot - 1 / 22.40 Monsters (40%) Spiked Squelcher - 1 / 37.33 Monsters (0%) Heavy Mace - 1 / 112.00 Monsters (0%)

Hide - 1 kills

Platinum Coin - 3.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Spider Silk - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Knight Legs - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Terra Hood - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Cublarc the Plunderer - 2 kills
Cublarc the Plunderer

Gold Coin - 7.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 10

Ungreez - 1 kills

Necropharus - 1 kills

Gold Coin - 5.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 5 Green Mushroom - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Soul Stone - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Sir Valorcrest - 1 kills
Sir Valorcrest

Gold Coin - 44.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 44 Vampire Lord Token - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Battlemaster Zunzu - 18 kills
Battlemaster Zunzu

Gold Coin - 33.56 / Monster (25%) ⇒ Max: 150 Red Lantern - 1.00 / Monster (83%) Zaogun Shoulderplates - 1.00 / Monster (83%) Zaogun Flag - 1 / 9.00 Monsters (0%) Zaoan Shoes - 1 / 9.00 Monsters (0%) Small Emerald - 1 / 9.00 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Lizard Scale - 1 / 18.00 Monsters (0%) Zaoan Legs - 1 / 18.00 Monsters (0%)

The Old Widow - 1 kills
The Old Widow

Gold Coin - 46.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 46 Platinum Coin - 3.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Great Health Potion - 2.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Spider Silk - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Time Ring - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Knight Legs - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Platinum Amulet - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Fire Overlord - 3 kills
Fire Overlord

Gold Coin - 6.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 18 Eternal Flames - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Fiery Heart - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Platinum Coin - 1.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 3

Ice Overlord - 1 kills
Ice Overlord

Flawless Ice Crystal - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Rahemos - 22 kills

Gold Coin - 73.64 / Monster (69%) ⇒ Max: 170 Ancient Rune - 1.00 / Monster (86%) Small Amethyst - 1 / 7.33 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Great Mana Potion - 1 / 7.33 Monsters (0%) Ring of Healing - 1 / 11.00 Monsters (0%)

Demodras - 2 kills

Platinum Coin - 10.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 10 Power Bolt - 3.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 7 Green Mushroom - 2.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Dragon Claw - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Small Sapphire - 0.50 / Monster (0%)

Yakchal - 4 kills

Gold Coin - 113.25 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 196 Shard - 1.00 / Monster (25%) Blue Piece of Cloth - 0.75 / Monster (0%) Mastermind Potion - 0.75 / Monster (0%) Dragon Necklace - 0.50 / Monster (0%) Glacier Robe - 0.25 / Monster (0%) Skull Staff - 0.25 / Monster (0%) Great Mana Potion - 0.25 / Monster (0%)

Leviathan - 1 kills

Small Sapphire - 4.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Platinum Coin - 3.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Sea Serpent Trophy - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Rusty Legs - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Leviathan's Amulet - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

The Handmaiden - 2 kills
The Handmaiden

Gold Coin - 116.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 171 Platinum Coin - 1.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Handmaiden's Protector - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Piece of Iron - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Soul Orb - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Demonic Essence - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Blue Robe - 0.50 / Monster (0%) Big Bone - 0.50 / Monster (0%)

Chizzoron The Distorter - 4 kills
Chizzoron The Distorter

Gold Coin - 102.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 142 Gold Ingot - 1.25 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Lizard Scale - 1.00 / Monster (25%) Dragon Scale Mail - 0.50 / Monster (0%) Great Health Potion - 0.50 / Monster (0%)

Lord of the Elements - 2 kills
Lord of the Elements

Platinum Coin - 4.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 5

Zulazza the Corruptor - 3 kills
Zulazza the Corruptor

Gold Coin - 21.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 36 Platinum Coin - 14.33 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 22 Gold Ingot - 2.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Soul Orb - 1.33 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Rusty Armor - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Red Gem - 0.67 / Monster (0%) Great Spirit Potion - 0.67 / Monster (0%) Guardian Shield - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Emerald Bangle - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Ultimate Health Potion - 0.33 / Monster (0%) Violet Gem - 0.33 / Monster (0%)

Latrivan - 2 kills

Gold Coin - 121.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 130 Small Sapphire - 3.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 6 Fire Axe - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Great Health Potion - 1.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Stealth Ring - 0.50 / Monster (0%) Demonic Essence - 0.50 / Monster (0%) Ring of Healing - 0.50 / Monster (0%) Black Pearl - 0.50 / Monster (0%)

Hellgorak - 1 kills

Gold Coin - 126.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 126 White Pearl - 2.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Great Health Potion - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Demonic Essence - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Rusty Legs - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Rusty Armor - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Noble Axe - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Spellbook of Lost Souls - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Demonbone Amulet - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Annihilon - 10 kills

Gold Coin - 38.80 / Monster (30%) ⇒ Max: 91 Infernal Bolt - 15.60 / Monster (10%) ⇒ Max: 47 Assassin Star - 11.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 50 Power Bolt - 6.70 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 67 Platinum Coin - 3.30 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 28 Green Gem - 0.60 / Monster (50%) Giant Shimmering Pearl - 0.50 / Monster (40%) Rusty Armor - 0.40 / Monster (25%) Great Health Potion - 0.30 / Monster (0%) Gold Ingot - 0.30 / Monster (0%) Heavy Mace - 0.30 / Monster (0%) Diamond Sceptre - 0.30 / Monster (0%) Halberd - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Yellow Gem - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Demon Horn - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Mastermind Potion - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Berserk Potion - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Guardian Halberd - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Red Gem - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Great Mana Potion - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Soul Orb - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Guardian Shield - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Great Spirit Potion - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Onyx Flail - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Violet Gem - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Tower Shield - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Crown Shield - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Emerald Bangle - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Paladin Armor - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%) Flaming Arrow - 1 / 10.00 Monsters (0%)

Ushuriel - 5 kills

Gold Coin - 79.40 / Monster (13%) ⇒ Max: 115 Brown Mushroom - 15.40 / Monster (6%) ⇒ Max: 24 Platinum Coin - 6.80 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 30 Demonic Essence - 1.00 / Monster (40%) Iron Ore - 0.60 / Monster (0%) Warrior Helmet - 0.40 / Monster (0%) Great Mana Potion - 0.40 / Monster (0%) Crown Helmet - 0.40 / Monster (0%) Scimitar - 0.40 / Monster (0%) Demon Horn - 0.40 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Great Spirit Potion - 0.40 / Monster (0%) Thaian Sword - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Mysterious Voodoo Skull - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Enchanted Chicken Wing - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Giant Sword - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Rusty Armor - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Life Crystal - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Huge Chunk of Crude Iron - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Orb - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Fire Sword - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%) Royal Helmet - 1 / 5.00 Monsters (0%)

Golgordan - 1 kills

Gold Coin - 194.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 194 Death Ring - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Madareth - 28 kills

Gold Coin - 40.50 / Monster (74%) ⇒ Max: 99 Platinum Coin - 3.18 / Monster (9%) ⇒ Max: 27 Rusty Armor - 0.68 / Monster (84%) Berserk Potion - 0.36 / Monster (70%) Mastermind Potion - 0.36 / Monster (70%) Rusty Legs - 0.32 / Monster (67%) Great Spirit Potion - 0.32 / Monster (67%) Great Mana Potion - 0.29 / Monster (62%) Bullseye Potion - 0.29 / Monster (62%) Wand of Starstorm - 0.25 / Monster (57%) Great Health Potion - 1 / 4.67 Monsters (50%) Axe Ring - 1 / 4.67 Monsters (50%) Ultimate Health Potion - 1 / 5.60 Monsters (40%) Wand of Voodoo - 1 / 5.60 Monsters (40%) Death Ring - 1 / 5.60 Monsters (40%) Sword Ring - 1 / 5.60 Monsters (40%) Two Handed Sword - 1 / 5.60 Monsters (40%) Bloody Edge - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Wand of Inferno - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Hailstorm Rod - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Lute - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Crystal Sword - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Springsprout Rod - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Ice Rapier - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Relic Sword - 1 / 7.00 Monsters (25%) Lyre - 1 / 9.33 Monsters (0%) War Horn - 1 / 9.33 Monsters (0%) Club Ring - 1 / 9.33 Monsters (0%) Ring of Healing - 1 / 9.33 Monsters (0%) Haunted Blade - 1 / 9.33 Monsters (0%) Demon Horn - 1 / 14.00 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Assassin Dagger - 1 / 14.00 Monsters (0%) Nightmare Blade - 1 / 14.00 Monsters (0%) Life Ring - 1 / 14.00 Monsters (0%) Wooden Flute - 1 / 14.00 Monsters (0%) Time Ring - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%) War Drum - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%) Didgeridoo - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%) Dwarven Ring - 1 / 28.00 Monsters (0%)

Zugurosh - 17 kills

Gold Coin - 93.65 / Monster (65%) ⇒ Max: 184 Talon - 4.59 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 27 Platinum Coin - 3.88 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 27 Yellow Piece of Cloth - 1.12 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 7 Demonic Essence - 1.00 / Monster (82%) Green Piece of Cloth - 0.82 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 10 Brown Piece of Cloth - 0.65 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 6 White Piece of Cloth - 0.59 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 9 Rusty Armor - 0.59 / Monster (70%) Rusty Legs - 0.41 / Monster (57%) Jewel Case - 0.35 / Monster (50%) Red Piece of Cloth - 0.35 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 5 Ultimate Health Potion - 0.29 / Monster (40%) Silver Brooch - 0.29 / Monster (40%) Great Health Potion - 0.29 / Monster (40%) Demon Horn - 1 / 4.25 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 2 Great Spirit Potion - 1 / 4.25 Monsters (25%) Soul Orb - 1 / 5.67 Monsters (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Great Mana Potion - 1 / 5.67 Monsters (0%) Gold Ingot - 1 / 8.50 Monsters (0%) Blue Piece of Cloth - 1 / 8.50 Monsters (0%)

Massacre - 2 kills

Gold Coin - 112.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 138 Orichalcum Pearl - 3.00 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 4 Platinum Coin - 1.50 / Monster (0%) ⇒ Max: 3 Demonic Essence - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Old Twig - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Piece of Massacre's Shell - 1.00 / Monster (0%) Soul Orb - 1.00 / Monster (0%)

Przedmioty nieujęte w zestawieniu:

- meat

- ham

- bag

- dragon ham

- seeds

- orc tusk

- shrimp

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Tibia 8.5.0 - 8.5.3

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